"I disguised myself as a janitor and broke into the agency while no one was there. I took 3 and then kept them until this appointment." I said.

"Were you the one who changed all of our important presentations to goat remix's?"

"Couldn't resist." I said, and he chuckled.

"Of course not."

After that we both sat in there patiently until he came back in, but none of us spoke.

"Okay, Jack. You have some strong swimmers, you are an excellent choice for the donor." he said, "Elsa, your eggs seem to have been unaffected by all of that time in the freezer by some miracle." I let out a breath of relief, but looked to Jack. Both of us knew the actual reasons why that happened.

"You do qualify for the invetro, but know the chance of this working will decrease as you get older. You are at a 50%-60% now. If you are really serious, I suggest doing it soon."

"I was thinking 2 years from now, is that okay?"

"I would suggest within the next year for the most effective results. Two years will decrease it to a 40%-50% chance." he said, "Now that is common for a lot of people, but this procedure is rather expensive, that is why I would suggest doing it so soon."

"Money isn't an issue for me, I will do this as much as it takes. Thank you." I said, then he left.

"You see Elsa, you had nothing to worry about." Jack said, and I hugged him.

"Thank you!" I said, "I knew you were the best choice!"

He chuckled at me, but hugged back.

"That might be the nicest thing you have ever said to me."

"Don't let it go to your head." I laughed while my tears of joy slipped down my face.

"Can't make any promises." he chuckled.

I playfully pushed him away, then wiped the tears from my eyes. I could have kids, I could have a family.

I heard my phone go off interrupting this precious moment. I looked at it and sighed.

"Jack, I have to go now."

"So soon, not even going to celebrate?" he asked.

"No, your friends will land in around 20 minutes. You may not force me to do stuff, but they will. I need to leave before they can get to me." I said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, see you in a year. Remember to keep yourself in shape and eat well." I said, "Good luck with your girl."

Then I quickly ran outside and jumped into my Porsche. I sped to the airport and quickly loaded my stuff. The moment I took off was the moment they landed.

I had to take the Nightmares down and quick, then my life could begin, and I could finally have someone who loved me.

Jack's POV

I was crushed when she left, but I wasn't going to force her to stay. She had already been forced to do so much in her life, and I didn't want to cause her anymore pain.

It also pained me that she didn't realize that the girl I told her about was her, did she not realize I loved her? Was I not making it clear enough?

I got a text from the group saying they were here, so I caught a cab and took it to the airfield.

"Jack!" Anna said excited, "We're so lucky to see you again, a blizzard came out of no where, and we thought we were going to crash."

"That blizzard came out Elsa." I said.

"Where is she?!" Anna said excited.

"She's gone." I said.

"WHAT!!!!!" Everyone yelled.

"I let her go."

"Why?" Eugene asked.

"She  doesn't want to go back. Everyone here hurt her, and the agency did terrible things to her. She was already forced to give up and do so much, I don't want to be the one to cause her more suffering."

"Anything else that we should know before I kill you?" Mer growled at me.

"I'm going to be a dad." I smiled.

"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" they all yelled again.


"Who? When?" they all asked.

"Elsa, and around a year from now."

"Wait, Elsa can't have kids." Eugene said.

"No, she can through invetro, She was looking for a sperm donor, so I volunteered."

"Why would Elsa want kids? She doesn't have a boyfriend or is married........ is she married?" Anna asked.

"No. She wants kids because she has gotten to the conclusion that no man will ever love her, and kids seem to make her happy."

"Where did she get to that conclusion?" Eugene asked.

"You two, the most important people in her life; just picked up and left her alone. You were the only two things she loved. If her sister and best friend didn't lover her enough to stick around, why would some man?" I asked, and they both looked down in shame.

"Okay, back to the more important matter. Jack, we can't go back to the agency unless Elsa is with us." Punzie said, "Do you know where she was going?"

"No, she never told me. She said she didn't want you guys to follow her."

"Great, just fucking great!" Mer yelled at me.

"Look, I don't care. You ran out when your mother tried to force you to do something, Elsa is doing the same thing you are, only she isn't turning any of us into a bear." I said, and Mer shut up.

"Look, we'll find her. Just have faith. Hiccup, she was going to destroy more Nightmare bases. We need you to find them, and then hopefully we can intercept her."

"Okay." he said.

"Let's find my sister." Anna said sounding determined.

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