14. The Captain's Croc

Start from the beginning

"I'll check on the Captain." Brinley said. Smee nodded, and he went down the hatch to the captains cabin. Killian was still asleep, but he looked much better now. Brinley shook him, "Cap'n," he said loudly.

Suddenly a loud crack filled the air. The sound of a canon being shot. Killian shot up out of the bed, surprise laced across his face. They hadn't been hit, but Denson was telling them to turn away, or surrender.

"It Denson, sir. His ship's on the horizon." Brinley explained.

Killian got to his feet, grabbing his boots and putting them on quickly, one by one. "How long was I out?" He asked.

"Bout a day. We made good time after the storm, lost just the Mizen sail." He reported.

Killian threw on his long leather coat and grabbed his cutlass, examining the sharp blade. "Prepare the men for an attack. We're grabbing the princess and getting the blazes out of here."

Brinley nodded his respect to the captain. "Thank you for saving my life mate." He said. He may be a crew man first, but Killian was his friend, not just his Captain.

He stepped up deck. The enemy ship was already growing in size. They had just enough time to prepare. Smee gave the call for all hands. Men were shaken awake as the time began running out.

All available weapons were handed out. Everyman had two swords and a dagger hidden somewhere. Few had an old pistol and some had spears. They loaded. The cannons heavily, and Killian came up deck with a determined state in his eyes.

Their was a hush over the ship as her stepped to the wheel. Everyman was on his feet, showing respect to the man who risked his life to save another. Killian feared for Emma. He was terrified he would find her killed at the hands of that wretched traitor. He would kill the man jut for laying a hand on her. He took a deep breathe, and funneled the fear into anger. "Here we are, just meters away from our enemy." He said loudly, "What are we?" He asked calmly. No one gave an answer, so he shouted loudly this time, "What are we!"

Ricker screamed the loudest, "Pirates!" Other shouts joined his triumphantly.

"And what do we Pirates want?" He shouted.

"Treasure, Arrr!" The crew screamed, ready for a fight.

"And Captain Jones's men always get their treasure!" He gave the wheel a hard spin, veering the ship towards their enemy, men rushed to their spots at the canons.

"Run a shot across the bow!" He hollered. One cannon was shot, the warning.

They shot full blast back, all of them missing, but a clear sign of war. Killian braced himself at the wheel.  "Fire!" He screamed. The canons flew back as each fired it shot on the enemy. Two hit the stern, but the damage was smaller then he hoped. They loaded again, waiting for the order.

"Fire!" Killian called again as the ship's grew closer. A big, black canon ball flew into the Fore mast of their ship. It creaked as the wood spilt and hit down onto the deck. They were close enough now to see men shuffling around, preparing an attack of their own.

The Jolly shook as canon balls collided with the Main mast, but it did not fall. They had aimed too high.

The crew climbed high up on ropes, shouting and insulting the other ship. Killian grabbed a rope of his own. "Now, men!" The ropes flew across, an men landed on the Night Spear with swords drawn. Killian pushed off with all his strength and looked for Emma as he flew through the air. Just as he landed, his eyes stopped on a beaten figure tied to the mast, and his heart stopped. Her blonde hair was stained red, and the flesh on her back was nothing but charred red pulp. Fury filled every once of him. He drew both swords as he dropped the rope and landed with a thud on the deck. Denson's crew knew who he was. They all hated him almost as much as he loathed them.

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