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I woke up in a box that appeared to be going upwards. I felt a pain in my arm and looked to see I had a giant gash. I put pressure on it to stop the bleeding and so far in was good. I winced in the pain when my hand touches it but I guess I could say I lived through it.

Because I was smart, I knew that if I called out nobody would here me. I couldn't run, I was in a box.

I guess I'm going to die from losing too much blood, I thought.

Then it all stopped and a bright light blinded me. The sun I guess. I kept looking down so I wasn't blinded. I heard a bunch of voices speaking.

"It's a girl."

"I call dibs!"

"What's a girl doing here?"

Well at least I know I'm a girl. I could only remember one thing and I concentrated on it. Keeping it in my head thinking that maybe just maybe I would know more things.

I felt someone jump in and say, "What's your name?"

The boy had an accent. At least I assumed it was a boy. I hadn't looked up yet. I looked up through my hair to see it was a boy. The boy had brown eyes and blonde hair.

"Hey, we're not going to hurt you. What's your name?" The boy said again.

"Sabrina." I say quietly.

"What I'd don't catch that."

"Sabrina. My name's Sabrina." I say looking up.

"Hello, Sabrina. My names Newt. These are the Gladers. We're not going to hurt you. What happened to your arm?" He said pointed.

Only now did I remember that I was still applying pressure to it.

"Yeah we're going to have to have Clint check that out." He stood up holding his hand out to pull me up.

I took it and stood up. His touch sent sparks through my arm.

Once I got pulled out I took a look around to see that we were surrounded by 4 walls. Giant walls with doors.

Before I could look at anything else I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"I'm Alby. Welcome to the Glade. Let's get that cut checked out then we'll give you the tour." Said a boy with dark skin.

I followed him to what he called Homestead and he led me to what was like their hospital. I sat on the bed and a boy, Clint, put some water on it to clean it and wrapped it up. He told me to lie down and right when my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep.

Okay so this is my first Maze Runner fanfic so if it's bad sorry. Plus I read the first book awhile ago so I might be a little rusty on it. I might add some parts in the movie into it instead of all of it being the book. So I hope you enjoy it.

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