Chapter 1

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You dragged yourself over to your desk and slammed your head against it.

"Ow," you mumbled.

A whole day of college and a job in the local game shop was exhausting! To make it worse: it was already 19.30 pm and you haven't even been able to start on your projects. And one of them was due for tomorrow...

Yeah, you're dead.

Especially because you needed to know statistics to finish this project. Now, you weren't the most mathematical person around. Languages were your thing. Languages and art. Your twin sister though, she was REALLY good with numbers. A true genius, and good with electronics too.

Too bad the two of you decided to go to different colleges. You could really use her help in this. And she yours, seeing as how she called you on your work to ask your help with some Spanish. You had tried to explain everything the best you could while helping a client at the same time. Too bad you're just as much of a multitasker as you are a whiz...

You truly loved your sister, but the two of you decided that it would be good if you had some time away from each other. You see, you and her always did everything together. You went to the same school, had the same classes, hung out with the same friends, practiced the same sports, fangirled over the same band... you even dated the same kind of guys at the same time! The two of you dated two cousins during a large part of your high school. They were nearly identical as well. Not as much as you and (s/n), but still.

You and your sister were completely identical. No one would know who was who if it wasn't for the (tattoo/ piercing/dyed hair) your sister had. You weren't really one to do anything like that yourself, though. Even though you had to admit (s/n) looked good with it.

You hit your head a few more times against the desk to stop daydreaming and just start with the damn project already! With a loud groan, you reached for your phone and dialed your sister's number.

"Hello? (y/n)?" she asked once she answered the phone.

"(s/n)! good to hear your voice, I miss you and your computer brain so much!" you babbled excitedly.

"You sound tired," your sister stated.

You smiled. She just knew you so well. You were only that excited when really tired. Usually, the two of you were the calm and silent type. Not exactly shy, but just not extremely outgoing either.

"Yes," you sighed.
"And I still have a project to finish! And it's math too..."

You heard your sister chuckle on the other side of the line.

"I'm actually kind of busy, but I'll make some time to help you," she told you amused.
"Get on Skype in ten minutes and I'll help you out."

"Thanks, (s/n), you're the best!" you said before hanging up.

--Time skip to later that night—

After saying goodbye to your twin and turning off Skype, you continued to glare at your now half-finished project. Four hours of work and you still weren't even close to being done! You already knew you would have to pull an all-nighter. Ugh. Oh well, nothing to be done about that now right?

After a short pause in which you almost fell asleep, you stood up and went to the kitchen for a good cup of coffee. You really need another one if you want to get this project done in time.

You know it's stupid to start such a big thing on the last day, but you just completely forgot! Damn college and their many classes. Sometimes you wonder if it'll all be worth it...

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