~PART 2!~

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Emily picked up one of my suitcases and I picked up the other one.
"Follow me and I'll show you to your room" Emily said and I followed her inside the house and up the stairs. "This is your room. I hope you like it" She said placing my suitcase down while I did the same.

"It's beautiful Emily"

"We didn't know what you liked so we just guessed. If you want to paint it a color you like, you can"

"No it's perfect. I love it. Thank you"

She smiled "Well I'll let you get unpacked and settled in. When your done I'll be in the kitchen." She left so I unpacked and changed my clothes. I walked down to the kitchen where I saw Emily cooking.

"Do you need my help?" I asked her.

"Yes, do you mind making something sweet?"

"Are brownies okay?"

"That's perfect" she smile showing me where everything is. As I placed the brownie sheet in the oven something occurred to me. 

"Uhm Emily where's my brother?"

"Sam should be back any minute with his friends"


"You know Roxy you can tell me anything" Emily turned to me.

"Okay thanks"

"Now I have some new and you'll be the first to know" She jumped up and down. "I'm pregnant"

"Congratulations" I hugged her. The brownies were done so I took them out and let them cool down before placing them on a plate. The front door opened and I heard a bunch of laughing.

"The boys are here" Emily smiled and I nodded my head, listening to the husky voices coming from the next room.

"Emily?" Came a voice from the other room.

"Kitchen" She responded. A man came into the room and went right to her, he kissed her scars before kissing her lips. "Sam, Roxy is here" 'This guy that just walked into the room is Sam, my brother Sam?' I thought to myself.

"Where is she?" Sam asked

"R-right here" I stuttered. Sam turned around to face me. Then he was in front of me hugging me.

"I'm sorry i wasnt here when you came" He said when he let me go.

"It's okay" I tried to say but he pulled me into a tighter hug.

"I missed you so much Roxy" He said when he finally released me from his death grip bear hug. We heard Emily yell food followed by heavy footsteps. I looked towards the table and saw six guys and one girl. Emily sat at the counter with her food. "Everyone this is my sister Roxy, Roxy is everyone" Sam said walking over to his place at the table and taking a seat. "This is Embry,Quil, Collin, Brady, Jared, Seth, and that's Leah." 

All the guys either said "hey, hi, or sup?" but Leah just glared at me.

"Where's Jake and Paul?" Emily asked Sam

"They both had something to do"

I sat down at the counter with Emily to eat my food. That Leah girl was still glaring at me and it was starting to make me feel uncomfortable. Emily must of noticed cause she turned to me and said "Don't worry about Leah" I nodded

"Leah behave" Sam shouted. Leah turned her glare down to her food ad she began to eat.

"May I be excused?" I asked. Emily smiled and nodded her head. I placed my plate in the sink and turned to the table Sam looked shocked.

"Finally a girl with manners!" One of the guys at the table said,I think his name is Quil. Leah glared at him but all the did was stick his tongue out at her.

"Where are you going?" Sam asked me taking my attention away from Quil and Leah.

"Bed" I responded.

"The trip took a lot out of you didn't it?" I nodded

"Awe is the wittle baby tired alweady?" Leah said in a voice that an adult would use to talk to a baby.

"Leah!" Everyone yelled.

"What its only seven and shes already going to bed, can you say baby much"

"Leah enough!" Came Sam's booming voice. I turned at headed up to my room. I was getting myPJ's out when someone lightly knocked on my door.

"It's open" I told them, one of Sam's friends came into the room.

"Are you okay?" He asked taking a seat on my bed next to me.

"Ya I'm fine" I smiled at him "Your Embry right?"

"How'd you know?" He asked

"When my brother was introducing everyone you smiled when he said Embry"

"Oh" He laughed. "Ya I'm Embry" His face when from laughing to serious in a matter of seconds. "Don't listen to Leah shes just upset, shes used to being the only girl around besides Emily."

"She doesn't bother me. I'm used to girls like that" I smiled reassuringly at him. "I'm going to do take a shower now so I can get to bed cause I'm really tired" I stood up from my bed.

He got off the bed too "I'll leave you to that" He smiled.

"Oh and Embry" I said, he turned around "It was nice meeting you"

"It was nice meeting you too Roxy, I'll see you in the morning" He smiled at me again before he left my room.'Oh man these people smile a lot' I thought as I got ready to go take a shower.

Don't Play With My Heart (A Paul Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang