She quickly grabbed one of their hands with the gun in it, and kicked his gut. Then she twisted around, and kicked his partner in the gut and he was now kneeling on the floor. She twisted the guys arm around, then kicked his partner in the face. Following that she yanked on the polices arm literally spinning him around, knocking him out, and probs dislocated a shoulder.

Then Pitch ran up to her and cuffed her hand to a fridge, then ran off. She struggled trying to get to him, but he was out of reach.

I saw Pitch carry a police officer out talking on a walkie-talkie, and handed him to another officer. Elsa was screaming stuff at him, but he just evilly smirked at her.

The police surrounded her, and Pitch and the other real criminals ran off undetected.

The police kept screaming stuff at Elsa, and had all their guns pointed at her. Then she suddenly yanked the entire door off it's hinges, and swung it around hitting all of the officers in the face, and knocking them back. She quickly roundhouse kicked one, and knocked him to the ground, then whacked one with the door. She kicked to her side hitting another officer, slammed the door in the officers face again, and she managed to knock all four out within seconds. Then more police rushed into the building and started firing. She twirled around, and went behind a shelf for cover. Then she came out and hit one in the face with the door, another in the shin with the door, then spun around and kicked his neck.

She had spun around, and the door slammed into a officer, then she hit the metal portion of the door against his head probably knocking him out cold.

An officer tried to shoot her, but she used the door to hit his gun, and kicked him to the ground. An officer who had just gotten back up got the door slammed against his head, and pressed against the wall. Elsa held him there tightly, then slammed her head into the glass, knocking the guy out, and shattering the glass on the door to tiny pieces.

I knew she was hard headed, but DAMN!!!!

Another officer with a gun bravely entered the store and started shooting at her. Elsa got to the ground and slid into an isle. She flipped herself over so she was upright, and then started bouncing a can of paint on her foot. On the third bounce she kicked it, and it hit the officer who was shooting at her square in the face. She charged towards an officer with the metal frame of the door, and wrapped it around his shoulders. Then she jumped up and kicked hard against his chest, to where both of them were knocked to the ground. By doing this she managed to brake the top and bottom part of the door, so she had two metal bars.

She quickly spun herself around until she was back up on her feet.

One of the last few remaining police officers entered the building, and sadly at the wrong time. She slapped his gun down, then hit his chest and face with the two bars. Then she turned around and hit an officers gun up, then whacked him in the side. She turned back around and hit the guy she had already beaten up, and this time knocked him out. Then started going ape shit on this one guy, hitting him over and over again until he was down.

An officer mustered up the courage to try to punch her, but she caught his fist. She slammed one bar against his back, then put one on his throat. She held him there for a few seconds, then hit his back again. He was sent to the ground, and she hit his head hard with the other bar, and he was out.

She stood up looking around, and then just walked out of the store like a BAMF!!!! (A/N: Again, the video I based this battle off is in the media section. I recommend watching it, because it is awesome!!!)

That's my girl!

Yes, I consider her my girl still. I don't know why, but I do. I still like her and I miss her like crazy. Still too this day, she is the only girl worth thinking about in my books.

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