Chapter 20 (Planning revenge)

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a.n )Wow chapter 20 already i never thought i would ever have this many votes, reads, comments and followers. I made this story just for fun. I thought no one would read it but you guys did. You are the best and all of you are all beautiful always remember that. Well too long bye. Enjoy.

*********Jannet's P.O.V********

Niall had told us his plan. I had to admitt it was pretty good. But i hated my part abd so did Liam, Zayn and Niall but it was all part of the plan.

We had to go back home and Niall had to leave it was getting dark and we didn't want Harry to suspect anything. But i bet he already did.

We were about to leave when i looked at Niall, i couldn't leave him again.

He saw the look on my face and came to hug me and i hugged him back tightly.

"Princess i love you never forget that" Said Niall. A tear escaped my eye but he wiped it away.

He got closer to me and i kissed him. The kiss lasted but we had to go so we apparted from each other.

"I love you too" I said and he smiled. I stood on my tippy toes since i was a little shorter than him. I kissed him on the cheeck and he hugged me tight.

"Jannet, we have to go" Said Liam interrupting me and Niall. I nodded and let Niall go.

I went to Liam and Zayn, Niall stood there watching us walk.

"Jannet why don't you get on my back were far from home and it's late" Said Zayn and i did.

I looked back at Niall and saw him tense up a bit. Was he jealous. I knew he was jealous.

I mouthed and 'i love you' to him and his eyes softened and he smiled at me mouthing a 'me too'.

Then like lightning me,Zayn and Liam left. I still felt sick when we were going at that speed. I felt better with Niall but now he wasn't here.

When we got home, Liam turned to us and had a serious look on his face.

"Remember guys, don't say nothing about what happened right now and act like your not mad at Harry, he will get suspicious" He said and me and Zayn nodded in unison.

So i had to act like nothing happened. I have to act like i like Harry. I hate him he is a fucking bitch. I hate him.I hate him.I hate him-.

I was thinking that when Zayn turned around and shot me a glance.

"Great acting Jannet keep up the good thoughts and Harry won't suspect a thing" He said in a sarcastic voice.

I just stared at him and went inside when Liam opened the door.

We saw Harry watching tv in the living room. When he saw us he smiled. That stupid smile how i wish i could take it off his face.

"Where were you guys i was looking for you and didn't saw you." He said in a suddenly worried voice.

I was about to scream at him when Liam patted my shoulder, When he touched me my mood changed.

I felt happy and i smiled. I had forgotten about his ability to change your mood. I hate feeling this im not happy im mad.

But Liam's hand was still on my shoulder making it impossible for me to get mad so i just stood there smiling like an idiot.

"Well we convinced Jannet to come outside with us. We went for a walk to get our mind of things. You know about Niall" said Liam looking down.

He was a good actor. Zayn also looked down ready to cry Damn they were good.

Suddenly Liam took his hand off my shoulder and i couldn't hold the tears they were tears of anger but Harry thought it was about Niall.

He came closer to me and hugged me. Fuck you bitch why do you have to hug me i thought but i couldn't do nothing. I would ruin the plan.

I jus buried my head on his chest crying and he hugged me tight. How i wish i could just kill you right now i thought and Zayn cleared his throat.

Damm it i always forget about their abilities. I apparted from Harry and he smiled at me. Stupid smile.

"Jannet it's getting late why don't you go to sleep. I could come with you.... If you want." Said Harry and i nodded.

He took me to my room and opened tge door for me. I went inside and took sat on my bed.

"Let me help you take your shoes off please" He asked and i nodded. Oh how i wish he could just leave but i can't it's part of the plan.

He took my shoes up and i layed in bed. He got up and was about to leave but i stopped him.

"Harry" I said and he turned around to look at me.

"Yes Jannet?" He asked and i looked down like i was shy.

"Could you stay with me until i fall asleep please? You don't have to but- " I said but got cut of by Harry.

"I would love to" He said with a smile and took his shoes off. He sat down on my bed and i moved over a bit so he could lay down.

He layed down and looked at me.

"Jannet im sorry i keep asking this but please give me a chance i can make you feel bett-" He started but i cut him off by kissing him.

He kissed me back passionately and pulled me closer to him. I hated this kiss i felt nothing. Unlike Niall's kisses. I felt a spark when Niall kissed me.

But with Harry i felt nothing. Then i broke the kiss and he looked at me smiling.

"Is that a yes?" He asked and i nodded smiling. A fake smile of course.

"Jannet i love you so much." He said and hugged me tight but i didnt answer back. I just hugged him but he didn't seem to care.

Suddenly i felt my eyelids getting heavy. I thinks Harry noticed because he smiled.

"Goodnight baby" He said and i ahd to answer him.

"Goodnight Harry" I said and smiled. He leaned closer to me and kissed my cheeck. Then i turned around but he still hugged me.

I didn't like this position but i couldn't tell him anything. When we had Louis back i could stop with this lie.

I won't have to kiss or hug or even sleep with Harry anymore. Thank god.

********Niall's P.O.V*********

It hurt me to know Jannet had to act like she loved Harry. But i knew she loved me and i loved her.

I had been walking this whole time around the forest. I was thinking this whole plan over and over again.

Jannet had to distract Harry. Joe and Jenny will have to got to Nathan's house and ask them for help. Me, Liam and Zayn would go in and get Louis out of there.

Then we had many wooden sticks and i was going to stab each one of then just like they did to me. I would put onions on them and i would leave crucifixes around them. Then just like they did to me i would leave them in the ocean.

I still had to think what i was going to do with Harry but i have a feeling Louis will take care of that.

*******Harry's P O.V********

I finally had her Jannret was mine.My plan had worked. I have to admitt she is stupid and weak.

This is great everything is going good for me. Soon Jannet will be mine and Niall is dead still somewhere in the ocean.


The end of chapter 20. poor Harry now i actually feel bad for him because in real life i love Harry.

You hear that Harry i love you okay. Can harry and Niall just turn gay and date each other.

That way the won't date any girls.>:)

Muahahahahahah Im evil.

Narry forever. By the way Narry is my favorite bromance how about you guys huh huh huh.

Bye bye my food is ready. *Runs to kitchen and stuffs mouth with food*.

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