Chapter 1 (Freak out)

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Hello cupcakes so please note this is the prologue. Enjoy, comment and vote please. thanks a lot to the person who made the cover. Follow mist-wolf on tumblr.

My name is Jannet, I have black hair, brown eyes, and fair skin. I've lived in New York with my mom who has been a mom and dad for the past couple of years. Or at least since father and her got divorced because he cheated on her.

My best friend is the best person there is at school, Kelly, super pretty and popular. Today is her birthday, making her 19 years old. Her an I go way back, you could say we are inseparable, or were.

She is throwing a party today which almost half of the school is invited to. Yeah she is popular and me, well not so much. Actually, scratch that, I'm the farthest thing there is to popular. A loser I guess. Always have been one. Though, I have a boyfriend, we don't spent much time together. Either he's busy doing something or I'm busy doing something and it's not a very fun relationship. All my life I have dreamt of having someone by my side, someone who loves me just for me. That I don't have to change for them to love me. But sometimes I just want to give up. All my life has been the same ever since my father left the house.

I remember how I cried for weeks but he never came back. He didn't care about us he left even after all those times he said he loved us. Now I hate him and I can't even stand to hear anything about him.

Right now I'm in my room and every day is just another day of the same crap. Wake up, take a shower, go to school, come home, eat, watch tv, do homework and finally, the best part, sleep.

I live with and love my mom but she has to constantly work to pay the rent, which I also help with.  On the weekends I work as a cashier on a supermarket, from 5:00 to 10:00. Truthfully, the job sucks, people are rude and it's gets boring after the first hour, but it pays.

Suddenly I get a call, I check my phone, Kelly. Sometimes I wonder why I'm her best friend. After all I'm a loser and she is the popular girl everyone want to hang out with.

I answer it " Hello" I say and wait for her answer.

"Jannet where are you. Are you coming to my party", she said and I sighed.

"Kelly there are plenty of other people that are going. Besides I don't fit in there, I don't even talk much to everyone who's going" I say and now it's her turn to sigh.

"Jannet you are my best friend I don't care about the others. My best friend should be here on my birthday" she says and I get up from my bed.

"Fine, I'll be there soon" I say and she cheers then hangs up.

I get ready and go to the party. I get there and see wasted people, others dancing and others just making out, great. I just sat there. After more than a few hours, I see It's almost 4:00 am and decide It's time to go home.

As I'm walking I hear screams. Getting closer and louder with every step I take. Being the curious girl I am I follow the screams. Finally I stop in the forest.

I see a girl surrounded by four guys. She has blood on her neck and I can't see make out their faces very well. My first instinct was to scream but stop when I feel a hand over my mouth. Then someone grabs my head, pushing it to the side and bites my neck? What the F is going on?

The pain hits me hard and I continue trying to scream but the hand is still there, holding my in place and preventing me from making any sound. I knew I should've stayed home.

After some time of struggling I feel myself grow weaker and fall to my knees, everything goes blurry, as I see the four demon looking guys just stare at me, shortly after, I collapse to the floor unconscious.

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