Chapter 8 (The Carnival)

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Hey guys sorry i took long to update but i had school so. I hope you enjoy this chapter and if you read please vote and comment thanks.

**********Jannet's P.O.V********

I was getting ready to go to the carnival with Niall. I couldn't stop smiling and i bet i probably looked like an idiot.

I took a shower and put on some shorts with blue shirt that with some black flats.

When i finished getting ready i was about to go outside until i heard Harry and Niall talking.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you and Jannet to go to the carnival together and you know... alone. What if you smell too much blood and can't control yourself. What if-" Said Harry but soon got cut off by Niall.

"Harry we'll be fine don't worry we'll be back at 11 if you want dad" said niall saying the 'dad' part in an annoyed tone.

I smiled and it was not to be mean but i didn't really want Harry to come with us only niall and me for one day.

"Ugghhh fine and don't call me dad" said Harry almost mad but why? maybe he really wanted to come wanted to come with us great now i feel bad.

"Ok dad"said niall laughing making me smile he was so childish sometimes maybe that's why i liked him he could make me smile.

I soon decided to go outside and niall and harry turned around to look at me both smiling like idiots.

"Can we go niall" I asked."Ok let me get my care keys and we can go".

He went up the stairs in vampire speed and up to his room leaving me with Harry.

"Hi" I said to harry smiling at him.

"Hey uhhh so you and Niall?" He said in an almost disappointed voice, weird.

"uuhhh no we're just going to get to know each other better"I answered back.

"Ummm i was wondering if maybe you'd like to go to the park with me tommorow" He asked me and i felt bad to say no.

"Sure sounds great what time" I asked him and i saw him smile showing his adorable dimples i wasn't going to lie he was attractive.

"umm how about 6"he asked smiling damm i love his dimples.

"Ok" i said and Niall came downstairs in vampire speed again.

"Ready babe" He asked me and i could see how Harry glanced at us weird maybe he was bipolar.

"Yeah let's go Bye Harry" I said smiling and he smiled back okay now i really think he is bipolar.

_____________At the carnival___________

The trip to the carnival consisted on me or niall asking questions about each other. We have alot and i mean alot of things in common.

"Where should we go to first?" I asked Niall and saw him looking around.

"Oh god the roller coaster" He said almost screamed.

"Niall im scared of roller coasters" I said but got cut off by a whining niall.

"please pretty please pplllleeeaasse"He whined and i felt bad to say no.

"Fine" I said and niall smiled. We went running to it and had to wait in line.

When we were closer i was truly terrified oh god im too young to die this was the first time i was getting in a rollercoaster and maybe the last one.

"Next" Said a man and me and Niall got on the rollercoaster we put on all the safety stuff and i was shaking until i felt a hand on mine. I looked down and Niall entwined our fingers it was like the were meant to be they fit perfectly fine.

"Don't worry I'm here with you and i'll protect my princess from anything" He said and i don't know why it made me feel better.

I smiled and leaned closer to him we both kissed and it was a long sweet kiss until the man started counting down.

"5. 4. 3. 2. 1 Go" said the man and i felt like we were going in very very fast motion i screamed but it felt good.

When we stopped we got down and niall held my hand. I smiled at him and he did the same.

"That was .... awesome" i said like a little kid niall sniled and said "I told you".

We had been at the carnival for hours and niall had got me a big adorable teddy bear by winning one of those mini games where you had to knock down all the cups with three balls but niall knocked them in one.

"oh god it's 11:30 and i told harry we would be back at 11:00 we better go now before he worries" niall said almost worried.

We were about to leave but a guy with brown hair and green eyes that was as tall as Niall came and blocked the exit as soon as Niall saw him his eyes went red and he held me close to him.

Who was this guy.

a/n:) hey guys who do you think this mysterious guy is? don't forget to comment and vote love you all :) If i get 20 votes and 10 comments i'll update i know you guys can make it.

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