Chapter 6 (My mate)

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*Niall's P.O.V*

I watched Jannet sleep on the couch her head was on my lap and she had been crying since she found out about the 'transformation'

She looked adorable.How could anyone be so beautiful. I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful face.

I then remembered her face when she was crying it broke my heart but i couldn't do much. The whole news she recieved was so fast i knew she couldn't handle so much at once.

I knew i had to wait to tell her the other news but i didn't tell her because i was also scares of her reaction.

Maybe she would hate me when she knew. What if she hated me. No i cant live without her.

"NIALLLL!!!" I heard Liam scream making me jump.

"Do you want to kill me or what" I said breathing heavily.

"Im sorry i just kept saying your name but you wouldn't answer you looked so deep in your own thoughts what were you even thinking about" Liam asked.

"About Jannet i've never felt this way about a girl before, Liam i think im falling in love" I said almost scared.

"What if she hates me after i tell her about the whole mating thing. What if she doesnt like me back maybe she likes someone else and i ruin her life .What if-" I said but was cut off by liam.

"Niall shut up please just shut up. What if she likes you. What if shes falling in love with you too. What if you guys are really meant to be mates." Liam said angrily.

We stayed quiet for a moment until Jannet moved and said my name in her sleep. I looked at her and saw she was still asleep. Was she dreaming about me. What if Liam is right and we are meant to be mates after all .What if she does like me.

"Thanks liam" I said breaking the silence."No problem lad believe me she will be fine and she likes you too i can see it in her eyes the way she looks at you" Liam said.

He soon left the living room and ran up the stairs to his room. I looked at Jannet and once again got lost in her beauty.

How was i suppossed to tell her. I can't just go to her and say 'oh when your dad left he told me i was your mate so now we're mates' This is great.

*******The next day*******

*Jannet's P.O.V*

I woke up in the same bed i had when i was first bought here. I got up turned the light on (there was no windows). I looked in the mirror and saw my red puffy eyes.

I had cried myself to sleep last night when the boys told me about me turning into a vampire and having to say im dead.

Then i remembered how Niall came and hugged me and i fell asleep on his arms. I couldn't help but smile at the memory of his smell and his face.

He looked perfect i wondered if all vampire boys were good looking. I went to the bathroom took a quick shower and put on some black leggins with a long sweater and flats i tied my hair in a pony tail and went outaide.

In the kitchen i saw harry cooking. Louis sitting in the couch and Zayn and Liam were watching Spongebob Squarepants on the tv.

"Hi guys" I said. But only harry and louis answered zayn and liam were so into Spongebob they looked like little kids.

"goodmorning Jannet"said Harry from the kitchen. "Morning"I answered back.

"Did you sleep well"asked Louis."Yes.I did" I answered back.

"ummm i would like to say sorry about yesterday i got a little mad" Louis said to me like a little boy who did something wrong.

"It's okay and i'm sorry too i shouldn't have called you a peasant"I said to Louis he just gave me a smile which i returned.

"Where's niall" i finally asked.

"Right here" Said niall coming in the kitchen.

"Umm Jannet can i talk to you for a minute" Asked niall. "sure" I said and followed him to his room.

"What is it" I asked. "Well about you turning into a vampire uhhhh vampires have mates and you are my mate" He said.


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