Chapter Two

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"Omar!" I say startled. "What a coincidence!"

His eyes become flooded with tears. A warm smile plasters itself on his face. And we find ourselves pulled to each other other like opposing magnets. We run into each other arms collapsing into a long bone-crushing hug where neither of us want to let go..

Snap out of it Lina. Back to the real world. He just paced towards me and the time stood still. No tears. No hugging.

Confused? Let me tell you who Omar is.

He was my colleague in medical school. He's one of those cute guys who are extra nice but we always friend-zone. Tsk, shame. I can't deny that God graced him with gorgeously sculpted features. Except that he is vertically disadvantaged. Oh well nobody's perfect and it's not like I am gonna marry him. Oops I am already married! I can proudly say that he's one of my few friends whom I could rely on.  He never hesitated to explain anything I didn't understand in the syllabus, lend me his histology drawings or let me copy his assignments. Who does that for nothing in return?

I suddenly feel nostalgic. I've truly missed Omar. We haven't seen each other since... Alright, just three weeks ago. Which is not a 'long time no see' period. But our last meeting wasn't exactly lovey dovey as it turned into a heated discussion,  I cringe every time I remember it.

It was the night before my wedding.

I was combing my long silky coal-black hair, admiring myself in the mirror. All that sunbathing gave me an amazing tan contouring my body and let's not forget the natural blush, until Omar sent me a message to meet him urgently. I can't deny the message worried me a little bit, my mind was going in an overdrive thinking of the possibility of what could have happened. Maybe someone stole his car or he is indebted to a gang who is threatening to kill him, oh god, or the aliens abducted his sister to give them his new research.. Every passing moment scarier thoughts entered my mind until I found myself in front of our usual table in the cafe. Omar was sitting with a grim face not even bothering to say hi. "Well hello to you too,   what's with the duck face ?" I asked plopping myself on my favorite chair opposite to him. I will let you on a secret, this chair gives you a 334ْ degrees view of the whole cafe which is ideal for stalking *cough* I mean investigating for good reasons of course. Oh yeah back to Omar. "Lina this is the biggest mistake of your life." He said, noticing my confused stare, he elaborated; "Ali is a two-faced, self centered, arrogant bastard. He doesn't give a fig about you ...". He droned on for 10 mins, his face getting more agitated and red as well as mine. "Enough Omar ! You got it wrong, when are you gonna stop being so judgmental?" I yell. "Thanks for making my day." I say sarcastically as I get up before I strangle him. Never I thought that he won't attend my wedding..

I was devastated and deeply hurt that my best friend wasn't there for me on my big day. I know he and Omar despise each other but he could have ignored that tiny detail! And to worsen the situation, I did the most stupid thing any mature college graduate can do. I told Ali about my argument with Omar, to which he overreacted and made me swear not to talk or see Omar anymore.

A promise I didn't break, until this very moment, obviously.                                                                                

"It's very nice to see you!" I say. "What are you doing here?"                                                                                  

"Going for a run." He replies, "The weather is cold these days and we need to heat up you know." He continues with a wink. "What about you?"                                                                                                                                                      

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