11/10/15 entry #1 Coming out to people

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Well this was really hard for me as I hid for years I didn't want anyone to know.I became "lesbian" but I didn't feel like a lesbian I felt like I was in a heterosexual relationship.The first person I came out too was my girlfriend.I didn't exactly mean it too I just kinda word vomited but she didn't run away from me and scream so yeah I'm glad about that.It really wasn't the best of times anyway *chuckles* I'm happy I told her.I mean she's so supportive she loves me even tho I identify as boy.I mean sure we get called lesbians and stuff but we know we are in a boy and girl relationship.That's all that really matters we know.
I came out to my sister and she supports me.She helps me out as well which is nice.My mum was next to know she said its my life but I'm always gonna be her baby girl.My dad took it as a shock I was so scared to tell him because I asked him a question about what he thinks of transsexuals.The answer was "its not right" so I didn't tell him.It slipped out again in word vomit and he was shocked (obviously) but he took it better than I thought he would.
My friends were all fine with it to I feel the same love and support I did before I came out.I've came out to my careers in my unit their supportive and want to help me in anyway they can.Some of my teachers know and don't judge me (I hope).
I've had a few bad reactions but nothing I can't handle I'm 16 and I can handle shit I suppose *shrugs my shoulders*.I've also came out to all of you guys who are reading this and I may eventually come out to the school I wonder how that'll go down...

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