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That night was graced with the most amazing and peaceful sleep I had ever had. The past month had been so full of nights where I'd stay up and wonder if Kyle was okay or wonder if I was okay, that I had forgotten what it felt like to actually get a nice full night of sleep. Sleeping on top of Kyle, wrapped up in his arms, and covered by his blanket was quite a change. A very welcomed change to say the least.

At some point in the morning, I heard Kyles bedroom door open.

"Kyle?" It was his mum. "Kyle?"

"Mmm?" He lazily responded. I opened my eyes, but squinted. I was facing Kyles window, so the rising sun was right in my eyes.

"I feel so bad, but I have to go in to work today. My boss just called me with an emergency meeting and I won't be home until maybe nine tonight."

"I don't mind." Kyles arms squeezed me tighter. I nuzzled closer into his chest. "We'll be okay."

"Okay. I've left money for lunch and dinner."


"Love you."

"Love you, too." Kyles mum closed the door.

Trying to get the sun out of my face, I turned over. My semi-open eyes now saw that my face was just centimeters away from Kyles own perfect face. My arm was draped over his chest, bending up so my forearm was on his shoulder and my hand was in his hair.

"What time is it?" I mumbled. I felt Kyles head shift as he looked at his alarm clock.

"7:13." In the brief silence that followed, I heard Kyles mum's car start up and drive away. "More sleep." Kyle requested.

"I agree." I let my eyes droop closed again and let sleep overtake my body.

When I woke up next, it was due to my stupid brain. It had apparently decided that it was time to wake up and not waste the whole day by sleeping. I rubbed my eyes and looked at Kyles clock. 11:53. Not bad. We still had pretty much all day. My eyes gazed at Kyle and took in his sleeping form.

His chest rises and falls evenly as his breath escapes and enters through his slightly parted lips. Those lips that I have become so used to having on my own. Speaking of, that seems like a great way to wake him up. I place a kiss where my head rests on his chest. Slowly, I make my way up to his lips, punctuating each centimeter with a kiss. His pale neck is smooth under my lips and surprisingly warm considering the cool air of his room. I kiss his chin and finally make it to his lips. His lips are slightly dry and they don't move against mine. I pet his hair, like I so often do, and wait for him to wake up to my kisses. I don't have to wait long because soon, his hands find my waist and he decides to kiss back.

One of my favorite things about kissing Kyle is finding where his hands go. Sometimes they go into my hair and pull gently. Other times, his hands glide up and down my back, sending shivers down my spine. My favorite times, like now, are when his hands ghost over my waist. His hands aren't fully rested on me, but I feel the gentle touch of his fingers, so I know they're there. When he touches me like this, my whole body burns and I feel the butterflies in my stomach, fluttering with excitement.

I pull back, letting air fill my lungs once again, and rest my chin on his chest, looking straight up at his face.

"That was the best thing I could have hoped to wake up to." Kyles hands finally find a place on my lower back. A few moments go by with neither of us saying anything. I take a side glance at the clock. 12:01. "How are you so beautiful after just waking up?" Kyle asks. I bite my lip.

"I'm not. Your eyes are probably broken." I say. Kyle reaches over and grabs his glasses. I absolutely adore his glasses and I've told him time and time again, but he still hates them. Once he puts them on, he studies my face.

Feelings are Over-Rated (KyleXZac)Where stories live. Discover now