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I wake up to the obnoxious sound of my alarm. I feel cold sweat on my forehead and my heart beating fast. I slam my hand down to shut off the alarm. I place my pillow over my face and groan. Do I have to go to school? I close my eyes as I remember the perfect dream I had.

Me and Kyle, sitting on the floor of my room. He was sitting really close to me. He was practically on my lap. I could feel his body heat on my skin, his arms tightly around my waist. He brought his lips up to my neck and kissed lightly.

"You know, Zac, I really care about you."

"I-I care about you too." I whimper as he bites the sensitive skin.

He trails his kisses up my neck, closer towards my lips. Just as I replay this scene in my head-

"Zac?" My mum calls from out side my door. "Wake up or you'll be late!" I groan in response. She comes in. "Zac, it's time to wake up."

"Can't I just stay home?"

"Now why would you want that?" She sits on my bed.

"I'm sick." She feels my forehead.

"Nice try. Now get dressed or you'll be late."

I get up from my bed and take a quick shower. I change into whatever outfit I pick from my unorganized closet. As I straighten my awful curly hair, I examine my appearance. Boring. Boring brown hair, boring brown eyes, boring hardly tanned skin. Just boring.

I grab my backpack and head out, not even bothering with breakfast. I walk slowly, hoping I'm late so the teacher makes me go to the office and get a detention slip. I don't want to sit next to Kyle for an hour. I mean I do, but I... shouldn't.

When I enter the school, I slowly go to my locker and take my time with my books. I walk up the stairs to the third floor, making sure to waste time. When I get to the top, I decide to wait in the bathroom until the bell rings. I turn that way and start walking, when I hear my name.

"Zachary!" Shit. I turn to see Mrs. Gertrude with crossed arms, as she stares into my soul. "Why don't you take your seat now so you don't have to be late to my class again?"

"Whatever." I mutter under my breath as I walk into the classroom. I look down at the floor when I see Kyle sitting at his seat next to mine. I make my way to my seat and slouch in my chair, hoping Kyle won't talk to me.

"Hey, Zac." Kyle says, nervously. What does he have to be nervous about? I'm the one who should be nervous.

"Hi." I force out.

And that's all that either of us say for the entire period. When the bell rings, I stand up and sling my backpack over my shoulders. I start walking, but get stopped by Kyle's hand on my arm. I look up at him.

"Please go to the auditorium third period. I need to talk to you." Kyle said, sounding desperate. I would have said no, had he not sounded so hurt. But realizing I did this to him, I had to say yes.

I nodded slightly in response, still unsure if I'd even show up or not. He smiled at me and I give a small smile back. I quickly head out of the room and to my next class.

The whole hour, my heart pounds and I look at the clock every five seconds, dreading the time third period comes. I want to go, but I also don't. I want everything to go back to normal with Kyle. Before he knew of my stupid feelings for him. Before I kissed him.

The bell rings, making my headache worse than before. I try to stop shaking as I make my way down to the auditorium, only to find it empty. I take my normal place on stage, but unable to sit still. When the warning bell rings, the door opens. Like always, my stomach flips when I see Kyle. He smiles when he sees me. I smile back, nervously.

Feelings are Over-Rated (KyleXZac)Where stories live. Discover now