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Days go by agonizingly slow. Everyday seems to be twice as long as it actually is. And since I do the same thing everyday, it seems to go even slower. Wake up, go to school, come home, play video games, talk to mum or Adrian, eat, shower, sleep, repeat. Occasionally, Kyles mum will come by and tell us how Kyle is. She said he's getting better. I'm glad to hear it, I just wish I could be hearing it from him.

Somehow, the days turn into weeks, and the weeks turn into a month. Pretty soon, I find myself shaking in my bed on a Thursday night, trying to get to sleep. But I can't. Kyle gets out tomorrow. Tomorrow is a rare day off from school, so mum is driving me the half hour to the hospital so I can be there when Kyle gets out. Then Kyles mum is going to take me and Kyle back to their house where I'll stay the weekend.

I'm tossing and turning in my bed when I hear my door open. I don't look up. Instead, I see Adrian flop down on the floor next to my bed, putting down his pillow and getting under his blanket.

"What are you doing?" I ask. He moves around, making himself comfortable.

"Sleeping on your floor." He answers, as if it's completely normal.

"Yes, but why?"

"I miss talking to you late at night and I knew you wouldn't be sleeping."

I remember those times. We would set up our stuff on my floor and "camp out". When did we stop doing that?

I took my pillow and blanket and climbed next to him on the floor. I got comfortable and stared at the ceiling. Immediately, I felt like a little kid again. It all came rushing back to me. We used to think we were so cool because we'd stay up until 11 at night. We would sneak downstairs and steal junk food, giggling the whole time. We would tell each other secrets and talk like best friends, not brothers. What happened to us over the years?

"Zac, are you nervous?" Adrian asked, suddenly breaking the silence.

"Nervous for what?"

"Seeing Kyle tomorrow. It's been a month."

I wanted to tell him that was stupid. Of course I'm not nervous to see the boy I had been dating for four and a half months. Excited, yes. But nervous? No.

Except I couldn't say that. I was nervous.

"Yeah." Just then, I realized how nervous I was. "But it'll be okay, right? Would you be nervous if you were seeing your boyfriend for the first time in a month?"

"You're asking the wrong person, dude." I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"You know what I mean. Would you be nervous if you were seeing your girlfriend for the first time in a month?" I rephrased.

"I probably would be, but you know it'll be okay. You should be excited more than anything." He reasoned.

"I guess so." I leaned back and closed my eyes. I felt calm all of a sudden. Adrian doesn't say much, but it's enough to calm me down. "You might have to come with tomorrow. You'll have to keep me from vomiting on the way there."

"My pleasure."

"Hey." I heard someone calling to me. I grumbled in my sleep. "Hey." They repeated. A pillow was thrown at my head. "Hey, dipshit, mum says we leave in an hour." I immediately stood up.

"An hour?!" I exclaimed. Adrian nodded. "Fuck I still have to shower."

I ran to the bathroom and started my shower. I went as fast as I could and shut off the water. I wrapped a towel around my waist and ran to my room. I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and sifted through all of my shirts. I found my black shirt with the white ring on it and put it on. I remember Kyle saying he liked the way it fit me.

Feelings are Over-Rated (KyleXZac)Where stories live. Discover now