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That weekend with Kyle was strange. Very strange. He just wasn't himself. Or, I guess he was since his new self is quiet and reserved. But quiet and reserved doesn't even begin to cover it. That's just the surface. Inside, and I mean deep inside, there really is something wrong with him. Something he's not telling me. I'm sure if I were persistent enough, I could get it out of him. I think. That's the problem. I only think I can get it out of him. If I try too hard, he may end up getting annoyed or hate me or something. Kyle doesn't understand that I'm actually trying to help him. That I actually care. I wish I could just fix everything. But I don't know how.

It is now Monday morning. Kyle was here the whole weekend and we didn't do much. I didn't want to do anything. He still looked like a mess, so I made him catch up on sleep. He said he only likes to sleep when I'm there anyways. It helps him feel safe. I wish I could always be there. I didn't want him to go home. I didn't want to let him out of my sight. Maybe that way he'd be okay. Or maybe not.

Today, Mikell comes back from his suspension. He will probably enter the school more pissed off than he's ever been. Of course, that means it'll be a really bad day for me. And Kyle, but I've told him to stay home. Maybe if Mikell can only find me today, I'll get it really bad and he won't be so hard on Kyle tomorrow. I know Kyle won't be able to take going to school today anyways. Physically or emotionally.

I finish getting ready for school and make my way downstairs. I head into the kitchen to grab something quick to eat. My brother is sitting at the table, empty bowl in front of him, eyes locked on me. I turn around and look at him. His brown eyes are squinted slightly as they bore into mine.

"What?" I ask him. He shrugs his shoulders and puts his bowl in the sink.

"You just look exhausted." Adrian says to me. That could be part of why he was staring at me, but I don't think that's the only thing on his mind.

"Yeah I've been thinking a lot. Doesn't matter though." The last thing I need is to have him intrude on my relationship with Kyle. His eyes are still on me.

"Does it have anything to do with Kyle?" I clench my jaw.

"Don't you have to get to school?" I snap, irritated.

He raises an eyebrow and grabs his backpack from the table. He slings it over his shoulders and walks out of the kitchen. I hear him open the front door and say, "Make sure you're not late today."

God, why does my brother have to be such an annoying twat? Can't he just stay out of what goes on between me and Kyle? He knows that I'm dating Kyle, isn't that enough? He doesn't need to know about our personal problems. The least he could do is tell me he's fine with us dating. I mean never, not once, has he said to me that it's okay that I'm dating Kyle. He probably thinks it's weird or something. Like I give a shit.

Then, my mum walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge. She's dressed for work but doesn't have to leave for another 20 minutes. She looks up at me but avoids eye contact. She's still pissed off with me for getting suspended.

"Shouldn't you be on your way to school?" She pulls out a water bottle and closes the fridge. That's all. No 'good morning' no 'how did you sleep' no nothing. When she's mad at me, she like to play the quiet game. She ignores me until I break. I usually can last for a long time, but in this situation, it's all different.

"I guess." I say. I chew my lower lip and watch as she takes a sip from the bottle. "Mum, I'm really sorry for everything I've been putting you through. I don't mean to fight with anyone or get in trouble, it just kind of happens. I promise it won't happen again."

She smiles and kisses my forehead. Her arms encircle me in a hug which I happily return. She pulls away and continues to smile.

"I love you. You may stress me out a lot and make me mad, but I really love you, Zac."

Feelings are Over-Rated (KyleXZac)Where stories live. Discover now