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Zacs POV

Late Sunday night, I walk up to the front door of my house and watch Kyle drive away after dropping me off. I get inside my house and put my back against the closed door. This weekend was so perfect. Too bad it's over. And we have school tomorrow. Ugh, school. I blink my eyes and decide now would be a good time to unpack all of my things. I hardly take one step from the door before I'm bombarded with questions from mum.

"Hi, Zac! How was it? Did you have fun? What did you do? Was his mum there the whole time? Did you do anything I should know about? Did Kyle-"

"Woah, mum, calm down! Were you just waiting for me to walk through the door since you got home?"



"I just want to know how things went!"

"Things went fine." I laugh as I try to push past her. She blocks the way.

"So... What did you and Kyle do?" She asked, trying not to sound as interested as she actually was. What does she think we did?

"We watched like every movie on Earth and ate our weight in junk food." I exaggerate.

"Did you do anything... Bad?" My eyes widen. Oh.

"Mum! Why would you even ask that?" I exclaim.

"Can't I be concerned about my son doing adult things?"

"We didn't do anything like... that. Jesus Christ, mum!" I facepalm, utterly embarrassed that she actually asked me that.

"Aw now your face has gone all red!" Mum laughs.

"Please stop." I beg.

"Fine, fine! Teenaged boys, no fun to mess with." She rolls her eyes and I give a light laugh.

"I'm going to go unpack. I'm probably going to go to bed soon, too. I'm exhausted."

"Exhausted from all the nothing you and Kyle did?" I laugh again and make my way to my room.

Quickly, I unpack my bag and flop down on my bed. I spend most of the night just laying there, texting Kyle until I fall asleep.

In the morning, I awoke to see that I was still in the same clothes I wore yesterday and I had fallen asleep with my phone in my hand. When I checked, I had one new message from Kyle that was sent around one in the morning. I opened the message.

"You must have fallen asleep, you nutter. Sweet dreams, beautiful.
-Kyle x"

I smile and bite my lip as I read it. I type out a text to Kyle quickly.

"Sorry for falling asleep.
-Zac x"

Not long after, I got a reply.

"That's okay. How did you sleep?
-Kyle x"

I change into different clothes before I respond.

"Pretty well I guess. And yourself?
-Zac x"

I went along with my normal morning routine and make my way to the kitchen when I'm all ready to go. As I stand there, I get a reply.

"Not as well as I could have if I had your arms around me. *heart*
-Kyle x"

I blushed as I typed my response.

"Stop being so cute!
-Zac x"

I then see my mum walk into the kitchen and I shove my phone in my pocket. She stops in the doorway, smirking with one eyebrow raised.

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