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Zacs POV

It's the last day of my suspension and I am just about ready to jump out of a window. I've been in my room for the past three days, hardly coming out. I'm not allowed outside of the house anyways, so my room is where I will stay. I always say how I'd rather stay in my room forever than go outside, but I now realize how much I hate this. I like being in my room by myself, but not for three days straight. And to make matters worse, mum took away my phone, my laptop, and she won't let me anywhere near a TV. When mum grounds me, she does a pretty damn good job of it. All I can do is sit in my room, doing absolutely nothing. Nothing at all. I'm not even kidding when I say nothing. Unless you count feeling sorry for yourself as something.

I've been so bored sitting alone in my house that I actually want to go back to school. It's better than being suspended and grounded. I'm happy about the fact that I will have two days at school when I get back that Mikell won't be there. Sure, everyone else will make it hell, but it's more manageable without Mikell. Another thing I'm looking forward to is that at school, I can see Kyle. I haven't seen him since the morning I got suspended, I haven't talked to him since that afternoon, and I haven't even hugged him since the night before that when he dropped me off at home. I know, I know. It's probably weird to obsessively remember when the last time I hugged my boyfriend was. But his hugs are so warm and tight and perfect; how could I forget them?

Right now, I'm laying down in my bed, which now has a dent in the shape of my body, and I'm thinking about Kyle. I have to wait until tomorrow to see him again. If I even survive until then. I close my eyes and think about the weekend we spent at his house. That was a lot of fun. He and I need to do that again. Maybe at my house where my parents know I'm gay. It'd be easier to have a date night here, rather than at his house where we have to stay locked up in his room. I'll ask him about it later. But right now, I think I'm about to take a little nap. It's not like there's anything better to do anyways.

When I wake up from my nap, I look over at my clock, hoping that I slept the whole day away. I sigh as I see the time. School should just be getting out right about now. I sit up on my bed and ponder my thoughts. I bang my head against the wall a few times, not sure exactly why I'm doing it. Maybe, if I feel like risking getting in trouble, I could go snoop through my parents' room for my phone. Then I could text Kyle or do something else that won't make me want to shoot my brains out. I consider the consequences for a moment before deciding it's worth it.

I make my way to their room and push open the door quietly and peek around. As if someone could hear me, I tiptoe inside, trying to be light on my feet. I go to the little table by their bed and open up the drawers. No phone. I go over to the dresser and pull open the first drawer. I sift carefully through the folded shirts, trying not to mess it up. Nope. I open the next drawer and dig through the folded pants. Nothing. I get to the next drawer, but quickly slam it. Bras. Ew.

Just as I begin to open the next one, praying that it's not as horrific as the last drawer, I hear a constant loud pounding on the front door. I shut the drawer and leave my parents' room, closing the door behind me.

The pounding on the door gets faster and louder as the seconds pass. I rush down the stairs and head to the front door. Right as I pull it open, a person falls into my arms.

"Kyle? What are you-"

"Close the door." Kyle whispers in between heavy breaths. I do as I'm told and lock the door as well.

Kyle falls to the floor and I fall with him, cradling him in my arms. I can't tell if he's conscious or not until I feel his hot tears seep through my shirt and his body start to shake uncontrollably. I move him gently into my lap and let him cry as much as he needs to. He grips my shirt, refusing to let go of it as if he would die if his grip loosened. I stroke his hair softly and whisper comforting words into his ear. I rock back and forth slightly, hoping the motion settles him down.

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