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A/N: to be honest I'm sometimes posting two or three times a day, I guess because I like writing this? Also because a lot is going on at the moment in my silly little head so I guess this keep me distracted anyways enjoy xx

Zacs POV
The next day at school, it goes on just like the day before. Kyle doesn't talk much, he spaces out a lot, and when I ask him about it, he says it's nothing. He told me that he got some sleep last night., but I know that's a lie. I don't call him out on it though. I let his excuses slide. He's probably in no mood to be called out as a liar.

During lunch that day, Kyle asked me if I wanted to spend the weekend with him. Under any normal circumstance, I would agree to this easily. But because of Kyles recent behavior, I'm hesitant to say yes.

"I don't know, Kyle. You still don't seem like yourself." I tell him, after he asks.

"I'm fine, I swear! Please?" Kyle pleads.

In response, I shrug. But then I take a moment to think about what this weekend could potentially hold. Maybe I could ask him what's wrong with him. Maybe I could finally get him to get some sleep. Maybe I could fix whatever his problem is. I look at Kyle and nod my head.

"Yeah, sure. Sounds great." I smile. He gives a small smile in return. That's another thing I've noticed. His smiles aren't as big and bold as before. Despite that, my heart still leaps when I get the chance to see them.

Later that day, Kyle and I meet up outside of the school. I take his warm hand in mine, lacing our fingers in a pattern we have come to know so well.

"Do you want to stop over at your house to pick up some things?" I ask, since we've decided he's staying at my house for the whole weekend.

"Um yeah. If you don't mind walking to my house then all the way back to yours."

"Course I don't mind." I kiss him lightly and we start walking.

The whole way there was silent. Kyle kept a tighter grip on my hand than he ever has before. Whenever I look over at him, he's looking down at his feet as if they're telling him where to go. Just as I even think to break the silence, Kyle drops my hand. Only at that moment do I realize we are right in front of his house. Kyle wordlessly opens the door and we step inside. He walks up to his room and I follow him. I watch as he packs some clothes into a backpack. He leaves the room and knocks on his mum's office door.

"I'm going over to Zac's."

"When will you be home?" She questions.

"I don't know. Probably Sunday."

"Have fun!"

Kyle comes back a few moments later, carrying his toothbrush. He puts it in his backpack and slings it over his shoulders. I notice how much effort he puts into keeping his eyes directed at the floor. I step towards him and place a gentle hand on his cheek, lifting his head. Our eyes lock.

"Are you okay?" I ask, my voice soft. Kyle doesn't make a sound, but nods in response. I connect our lips in a soft kiss. Kyle returns the gentle kiss in a soft and sweet manner.

"Let's get to your house." He says after pulling away.

A little while later, Kyle and I step through the front door of my house. I close and lock the door behind us. I hold out my hand, offering to carry Kyle's backpack.

"I'll carry that for you."

"What a gentleman." Kyle says as he hands it over.

"Only for you." Just as I catch his lips in a kiss, I hear a fake cough from the top of the stairs. I roll my eyes as I look up. It's Adrian. "Why are you here?"

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