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You guys are soooooo incredible! You guys give me so much support and I don't think I thank you enough. So thank you to those of you who supported me through everything the last month or so. You guys are truly amazing. Thank you sooo much guys!

Not edited

Tori's pov (shocked?)

They walk me to my holding cell and all I can think about is how scary it is in here. There's so much yelling and screaming. People threatening other people. One women even hissed at me and barred her teeth like some sort of human vampire. I hope Jade finds the box soon. Three whole months here will be horrible. I deserve this though. I killed him. A living person. He would've killed me first. If I didn't do if I wouldn't have been able to see my family and Jade ever again.

There's so much screaming. Someone yelling threats to someone way down the hall. The cuffs on my wrists are digging into my skin. That will definitely bruise later. I'm walking down the long hallway to my cell my guards holding on to my arms tightly.

They unlock my cuffs and shove me into the small room, knocking me down in the ground. They lock the gate. I sit on the tattered bed and stare at the cement wall in front of me.

Jades pov

I walk back into the apartment and slam the door closed. I let out of scream of frustration as tears roll down my cheeks. I walk to our room and face plant onto the bed. My face hits something hard under the pillow. I quickly sit up and wipe the tears from my cheeks. I grab a box from under the pillow and see a note taped to the top.

Tori asked me to give this to you. I have no idea what's in it. Text me that you got this when you find it.

I grab my phone from my back pocket and text him.

I take the lid off the box and see envelopes. I lay them all out in front of me and read what the all day. They all start with they same thing, open when.

You find this box
You feel lonely
You need a laugh or smile
You miss me
You can't sleep
It has been a bad day
You want a trip down memory lane
You need a reminder of how much I love you
Your stressed
You need a getaway (with Bella)
Its the day before I come home

I pick up the one that says when you find this.

%%%%%%day she comes home%%%%%%%%aka three months later%%%%%%%%%

I quickly get out of bed and change into black skinny jeans and a black tank top with a sweater since it's fall. I put shoes on and practically run to the car. I pull up where the train station is and step out of my car. They had her in a different city. The train stops and everyone walks off.

Someone's body slams into mine knocking both of us to the ground. Not hard though. The person lifts their body up and pulls me up as well. Now being able to see who it is I quickly wrap my arms around her waist. Her arms go around my neck.

She jumps and wraps her legs around my waist. I don't know how long we stand here. Well I stand here, but after what felt like forever I set her down. I press my palm to her cheek.

She puts her hand over mine. I can finally take in her appearance. Circles under her eyes and her brown hair is three quarters of the way down her back. We silently walk back to the car and drive home.

We walk through the door and Tori walks around opening all the curtains and windows. Despite how chilly it is outside. I grab her hand and pull her down the hallway.

"C'mon. You look like you haven't sleep in weeks." We change and climb into bed.

Tori's pov (sry for pov changes)

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