"I want yours too every single minute. I don't think I can get enough." he kissed the back of my hand again. Over and over just stopping to look in to my eyes and in those eyes I saw that he was meaning it.

"So will you get out or stay in there? "I heard Judy's voice from outside. When did she get out. Will kissed me one last time before opening the door.

"Any cake left for me." I hugged Judy who was in her purple robe.

"Cake? Girl do you know what time it is?" she did an impression of a fake caring Cindy and I must say she pulled it off because Will and I couldn't keep from laughing.

Will walked over to where I was and kissed me. "See you tomorrow Lakke." he walked to his car.

"Spill it." Judy said when we were walking in the kitchen. I knew what she wanted but messing with her was always fun.

"What do you want me to spill?" I walked to the fridge and took the jug that had freshly squeezed orange juice. I loved it when Maureen was around. She knew all the right things to do. Judy must be so lucky.

"Really, you want me to say it." she took a seat on the only stool in the kitchen making herself comfortable.   "Where did you guys go? What did you do? Is he fun? How many times did he kiss you tonight because what he did out there was a clear give away that that wasn't the first time he had kissed you tonight. Is he a good kisser?"  her voice had excitement pasted all over it. I won't lie that I am happy to have a friend like her.

After giving her all the details and have her gasp and jump around like a kid she finally told me about her day and how she finds Chris fun than she expected. I like where this is going. I want her to have fun and feel the way I do.


Cindy and Tom came back with Cindy looking a bit darker than I remember. The boring food and rules are back, the quietness and avoidance is back and the worst we, no I mean I have to keep up with the shopping and her stories.

The allowance that Tom gives keeps on handing me has made me rethink my decision on getting a job. I mean I am saving so much and with a friend like Judy life is amazing. Will and became official two weeks ago and so far I am loving it. We are keeping it between the four of us, I am not ready to have a talk with people who I barely  tell the truth to.

"What will you wear?" Judy who sat on my bed going through her latest issue of Couture magazine with her new hair do. She switched her long braids for shorter bob ones. I won't lie I loved it.

I had an idea of shorts and a hakuna matata t-shirt but after what he pulled of last week I don't think its a good idea. "Last time he took me to a Chinese restaurant and I was in my shorts, I looked off so I am thinking..." I had a black and red sundress that the she devil gave me as a present when she got back. The sad part is that I have a feeling she will never know or understand me.

"Don't be something you are not." she flipped another page not even looking up at me.

"So I go with?" holding the two dresses a bit higher.

She sighed before crossing over to my closet and picking a denim short, white fitted t-shirt and my faux leather jacket that I totally forgot I had.  "This says don't take me any where fancy but a Chinese restaurant is good as ok." 

"You think so? "

" Hun I know so, now hurry up and get ready before Cindy comes back from her yoga class. " she got back to her magazine.

" Where we going?" I asked strapping myself in Will's car after he gave me a kiss in the check.

"Our spot." he pulled out of the driveway.

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