"Yes. I'm sorry. I've just had a rough couple of days." I explain. He nods.

"Get to class." He waves me off. I turn around and roll my eyes.

Kyle probably already left his class, so we can't walk to third period together. I walk faster to get to the auditorium in order to see Kyle. I open the door and see him sitting on the edge of the stage, his legs dangling off the side. I drop my backpack on the stage and sit next to him.

"How are you feeling?" I ask him. He shrugs.

"Tired." I nod.

"Why didn't you sleep last night?" I feel his arm slide around my waist and he scoots in closer. He rests his head on my shoulder. He lets out a yawn.

"I was just thinking about a lot of things and my brain wouldn't let me sleep."

"What were you thinking about?"

"A lot of different things. You, Mikell, this school, my old school. Everything."

"Define everything." I say. Kyle yawns again.

"I wondered how everyone at my old school is. They're probably a lot happier and better off now that I'm gone. I thought about how this school is the same as my old one. But then again, why would it be any different? Of course there will be more people to bully me. Why would I think any differently? It's just so easy to bully me that they will do it anywhere I go. I thought an awful lot about Mikell, too. They way he can hurt me so much without getting tired. Or how he can call me names without getting bored. Or how he can insult me and get me to believe everything he says. It's weird how much power someone so horrible can have over me. Every little thing he does impacts me in some way. A negative way."

Kyle stops to yawn again. He's saying all of these things with no emotion at all. He hasn't shown any emotion all day. Usually he's very animated and alive. He's scaring me.

"But I also thought about you, Zac. You make me feel so much better. You protect me and help me through it all. You're the only good thing that has ever come out of my crappy life. And I can't thank you enough for that."

I feel something on my cheek and realize I'm crying. I wipe away my tears so Kyle can't see them. I hug him closer to let him know that I was listening intently the whole time. I kiss the top of his head as he yawns into my neck.

"You've certainly been thinking about plenty of things, huh?" I sniffle.

When I get no response, I look down at Kyle. He fell asleep on my shoulder. I smile and lay us both down, letting Kyle use me as a pillow. My hand rubs soothing circles on his stomach to comfort him as he sleeps.

When the bell rings, Kyle doesn't stir. The rise and fall of his chest is his only movement. I shake him lightly until his eyes open. He blinks his eyes a few times and we both sit up.

"Come on. You have to get to class." I say. Kyle  groans.

"I don't want to." Kyle complains. He puts his head to my chest.

I grab our backpacks and hand him his. We hop off of the stage and walk to the door. People start to file into the auditorium, getting ready for class.

"I'll see you next period."

Kyle nods and kisses me quickly. I kiss him back, squeezing his hand. He turns and walks out of the auditorium and I walk to my seat, ignoring the hateful comments of some classmates.

:Unfortunately for me, today I have to perform a monologue from Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night". Today is not really a day that I would pick to go up on stage, as I'm not really in any mood to talk to anyone other than Kyle, but it seems that I have no choice. Silently cursing to myself, I go up on stage and perform to my best ability. When I finish, Mrs. Lavender claps her hands.

"Wonderful as always. Great passion!"

I nod my head at her in response and walk off stage. I take my seat, just waiting for class to be over.

And soon, after a few more bland people perform their monologues, the bell rings and I hop out of my seat. I push open the door and wait there for Kyle. When he meets me there, we walk to the lunch room together where the both of us are silent for a while. As I throw away my garbage, Kyle breaks the silence.

"Do you want to hang out today?" He asks.

"Shouldn't you go home and get some rest? You still seem really out of it and tired." I say, genuinely concerned about his well being. He shrugs.

"I'd rather spend time with you." Kyle looks at me with his big blue eyes that almost make me give in.

"Well, I'd rather have you feel better though." I say, grabbing his hand over the table. Kyle sticks out his lower lip. "Another day, babe."

"Okay." Kyle says, disappointed.

When the bell rings, Kyle gives me a kiss before we both head our separate ways.

The rest of the day goes on as normal, just with a lot less physical pain. After the last class of the day ends, I go to my locker and spot Kyle waiting for me.

"Hey." I say as I open my locker.

"Hi." Kyle replies. He waits for me as I get my books from my locker. After I close it, we walk, hand in hand. "Are you sure you don't want to hang out today?" I smile and chuckle at how cute he sounded.

"Go home and get some rest. We can do something tomorrow."

"Fine." Kyle fake pouts. I roll my eyes with a smirk on my lips.

"You're so cute."

I grab his waist and kiss him. He kisses me back, wrapping his arms around me. We both pull away from the kiss and take our arms away.

"Bye." I say to him.

"Bye." Kyle answers before kissing me again.

We turn from each other and start to walk to both of our separate houses, alone.

Feelings are Over-Rated (KyleXZac)Where stories live. Discover now