"Wait, Andy. Man, I thought you forgot about that.."

"I thought I did, but hell I'm glad I didn't. Oh, want to know what else I remember? Wait- don't answer I'm telling you anyway. Remember when I caught you sleeping with Anne, my cousin? You couldn't come up to me and ask 'hey, I think your cousin is hot, mind if I f*ck her'? And I don't give a damn if you think that I'm overreacting. This is just making me finally realize that you're so full of shit!" I ran my fingers roughly through my hair and lowered myself down. I can hardly breath by all this yelling.

Someone please just kill me for being such an idiot. I was desperately in love with my ex, who played with me big time and I still had the nerve to have intimate moments with him after. Why?! Was I born without a brain?!

Covered in tears, I wiped them away with my trembling hands. "Why? Why is it that after all that you've done to me, you still have all of me? And yet, I was never smart enough to stay away from you.." I said, with my voice croaking.

He looks at me panicked, "It's because you know that we can't stay apart from eachother, we can still make things work out between us." he said, with a little bit of hope.

Fuck you.

I stood up and tried to get my voice back, "Fuck this, Reece. You know what? Fuck you, yes FUCK YOU!"

I felt so relieved by getting those words out of my system. I didn't even need his explanations, I already knew about his gang, and he had better not been doing illegal things, or I'll have to do something serious about it. I should've dissed his 'explaining' offer.

Reece had a priceless look on his face, he gawked at my words and started to huff, "Careful with what you say, you don't want to make an enemy from me."

"Good to know, that just proves who you really are."

"Andrea.." he warned.

"Just you watch, I'll forget you. Not with another person, I'm better than using people for my own needs." I said, gritting my teeth.

"You won't darling. I promise you. I know you'll run back to me when someone else breaks your heart." he smirked.

"This is a goodbye from me to you, Reece."

I walked away, trying to pull off my strong side to him. I was glad he couldn't see my face at the moment, I was sobbing so damn hard that my throat was already feeling numb.

I entered the house, looking for a drink. I found a crate full of beers, I then grabbed one and started to chug it down.

"Andy! What are you doing?" I turned to see Danielle sitting on a sofa patting May on the back. I bet she's knocked out.

I walked towards them and shrugged, "Drinking."

"But you hate beer." she stated. "Gosh, are you okay? Why are you crying girl?" she asked, looking at me sympathetically.

"I-I feel horrible. I shouldn't have come here. I need to-"

"Yo, Andrea!" a voice yelled. Recognizing his voice, I tried to walk away but his hands got ahold of me.

"Yeah, Seth?" I questioned. There was no use in running, he'd eventually catch up to me. I turned to face him, exposing to him my horrendous wet face.

He stared at me in shock and caressed my face, "What happened? What did that bastard do to you? If he dared to touch you I swear to god that I'll-"

"Nothing! Nothing happened, I only made things worse to be honest." I was losing my voice and started to feel that big lump in my throat again. "Seth, I want to leave. Please.."

"Let's go then."


~ Seth's POV ~

I shut down the car engine and took a look at Andrea. God, she looked so fragile, as if she was about to break. I had stopped the car in front of a creek and grabbed the baby blue blanket that I stole from Rebecca's beach house; it belongs to- I mean, belonged to her younger brother I guess.

I got out and went to the other side of the car with Andrea, I covered her with the blanket and whispered to her, "Do you want to take a walk? Look, there's a bridge over there, try to cheer yourself up." I pointed, she agreed and we started to walk.

I could hear the small sniffs she gave as we sat down on the edge of the bridge. She had her face lowered, seeing her own reflection in the water. "I-I'm so stupid. I want to forget about him, but it's not easy for me.. I know I sound pathetic, but god, how long will it take?" I knew that she was struggling so damn hard to fight back her tears, but sometimes..

"It's okay, you can cry."

"What? What do you mean?"

"You need to let everything out, Andrea. There is nothing wrong with letting it all out. Just.. c'mere." I extended my right arm and brought her to my chest.

She turned to look at me in disbelief, like I was out of my mind. She quickly turned to look back down at the creek, but stayed in my arms. At first there was a deep silence, and then drops of tears started crashing into the water.

She finally gave in and started to cry. There were moments where I could feel her nails dig in my arms, then she would take deep breaths. Those cries turned into sobs, and those sobs turned into very loud cries of heartbrokenness.

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