Chapter 1

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"Reece I'm serious, I need to leave for my kickboxing practice!" I laughed as he tickled me endlessly. "Let go of me!" I pleaded. We were at a cliff at the outer parts of the city, we loved to hang out here.

"But I don't want you to leave, and no's the answer." he said sticking his tongue out.

"Oh come on, I'll kick your butt if I'm late to practice!" I warned but that didn't seem to affect him.

"Let me think about it, no." he grinned. "Unless you give me one more kiss darling." he whispered softly.

The atmosphere changed, he rested his arms on my shoulders as he stared into my eyes. And of course, I blushed.

"That's all OK? Just ONE last kiss and you'll let me leave." I said. "Sure, now come here." Reece chuckled as his hot breath got closer to me.

Reece is my ex. We dated for a year in our junior year of high school, but I broke up with him when I couldn't take anymore of his lies.

I'm a complete idiot for doing this. He cheated on me plenty of times when we used to date, but as always, we end up like this...

I snapped out of my thoughts as I see a figure coming closer to us, a very pissed one might I add.

"YOU! What are you doing with my boyfriend?!" She yelled.

What? What the hell is she talking about? Oh, wait.

I quickly pulled away from Reece's arms as I stood up glaring at him. He has a girlfriend? A crazy one that's talking to herself actually, I thought.

"What's the meaning of this? I'm talking to you, slut!" She hissed, standing in front of me.

What did she just call me?

Reece got in-between us, his back facing me. "Kylie, leave. She's just a friend of mine. No need to get jealous babe."

Oh so now he's acting innocent with her, poor girl.

Kylie (I'm guessing that's her name then) shoved Reece to the side as her eyes scanned me in disgust.

"Hey watch your little mouth when you address me girl." I snapped, remembering what she had called me. "Listen, I didn't even know he had a girl-"

She slapped me, the freakin' b*tch slapped me. Hard. So much for feeling bad for her. Reece just stood there, shocked. Oh that idiot's gonna listen to me

"Like I'd believe you, you're just another one of his bimbos! How does it feel to know that he has a girlfriend, who he deeply loves and has dated for three months? Hurt?" She smirked.

"Ha! Are you serious? Three months loving you, while he hides your relationship from other girls? And I don't even care if you believe me, I said what i needed to say, partly. And to answer your question, no. It doesn't hurt, not as much as this will hurt you." I grinned.

She put on a questioned look on her face and shrieked as I grabbed her wrist and flipped it on to her back pretty high, lowering her upper body and with my foot I shoved her to the ground. I just wanted to stomp on her face real bad.

"You're crazy! Let go of me!" She cried.

"That's for slapping me when I'm not at fault, and I don't like to be touched aggressively by anyone. Do you like that?" I growled. After she started crying, I winced a bit. She just attacked me because of what she saw. But, why was she with him if she clearly knew that he usually cheated on her? I decided to let her go, this wasn't going to solve anything.

"Sorry Kylie." I said deeply. Again, I felt bad for this stupid girl.

"Whatever, I don't want to see him ever again. Even if you knew or not about us. He'll hurt me again." She sniffed as she cleaned herself up.

I stomped to Reece's car, which was about 5 feet away. There he sat, just staring at the floor. "You still have the nerve to just sit there and say nothing. Look at her, Look at me!" I shout, trying to hold back my tears. "Is this just fun and games to you? You said you weren't dating anyone!"

"Hey, I'm a free man Andy. You didn't need to know. Hell, you would walk away from me and I still..." His eyes looked lost, wanting to say something. He just didn't say more.

"You having a girlfriend and getting to play around with others? That's not what a free man is. Prick."

"Listen, Andy. I'll break up with her. So you and I-" I cut him off.

"No, you don't need to do that. She's done with you. You and I what? No, I don't believe you anymore. We could never make things work the way you are."

"That's what you think, We need to talk later." he said carefully. Ignoring his words, I turned around to see Kylie walking weakly towards us.

I left the cliff soon after. I didn't care about what Kylie had to say to him. I didn't want to be there, obviously. I bet he begged her to forgive him, just so he can later do the same to her over and over again.


It was getting dark already. I was crying during the entire drive, pathetic. I'm already late for practice anyway, there's no need to go now. I owe Reece a beatdown, huh.

When did I get so stupid? Believing everything was fine the way things were. I thought he changed, and that we would get back together in the future. I thought wrong.

As I take a small turn on the mountain road that connects to the city, I see someone stumble down on the side of the road. Wait, is that person bleeding?

Realizing no one will answer my mental question, I slowed down the car and pulled over to find out for myself.

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