Chapter Eleven (Hot Jealousy Trouble)

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                            "I love you too?" I said, sounded more like a question than a reply. He furrowed his eyebrow but showed a michievous smile. I pouted at him, I was nervous. 

                            "Awww... " He gave me another kiss on the lips but I replied back. Our arms were snaking up and down each other body.

                            "Okay... We have school in two hours...Let's get prepare..." I broke off the kiss and said, nearly out of breath. He groaned and I shooed him to go up to change. I made breakfast for both of us. I only knew how to cook omelettes, and they had burnt when I didn't reckon the heat properly. But when I put it in front of Dean's face, he ate it all up without hesitation. He even said it was the most delicious thing he ever had. I scoffed at his sarcasm, he was just being kind and nice. I knew how bad was my cooking. I lost my appetite but Dean forced me to eat because he said breakfast was the most important meal in a day. Well now who's the smartass eh? I refused to eat my burnt omelette. Then out of my expectation, he asked what I loved to eat and actually cooked for me. I joked and said I wanted some bluberry pancakes but he said okay. He told me to give him 15 minutes, and he shoved me upstair to change.

                              I cleaned myself quickly in his bathroom. I didn't have any body odour so I barely showered every morning. I found bottles of PlayBoy pefume on his dresser when I was combing my hair. I took one from them, it called "Play it Sexy". I smiled evily and sprayed some on me. I breathed in the sense. Oh my goodness, I smelled like him! So hot!

                              I skipped down the happily but something caught my nose when I was halfway down. Oh my goodness, blueberry pancake!

                              "Blueberry pancake!!!!" I screamed as I saw a plate of my favorite blueberry pancake on the table with a grinning Dean sat beside it. I rushed toward it, sat down and started to dig in. But before I could stab the pancake with my sliver knife, a hand grabbed away the plate. No!

                              "No baby, you have to earn it." He said and sticked his tongue out when I groaned. But I needed it badly, so I leaned in him slowly. He prepared himself by closing his eyes, leaning toward me too. I chuckled as I ducked my face to the left, let his head passed me. I quickly snatched away the plate from his hand and ran away. I laughed out loud and stuffed my mouth with those delicious blueberry pancake. I was in heaven!  He never stopped to amaze me! I was really curious what he could do next. Maybe he could play the piano! Nah, he couldn't even play a guitar.

                               I stuffed one last piece into my mouth, but I was being spunned around. Dean locked my mouth with his lips. I didn't get the chance to munch my last piece of pancake and he wanted to kiss me with my mouth full? I guessed he didn't know because when he tried to invade my mouth with his naughty tongue. The pancake blocked his way. This proved he's really dumb.

                               Suddenly, I felt the pancake was being pulled away from my mouth. Oh my goodness! He used his tongue to steal my pancake! Ew, that's disgusting! But it's hot... He pulled away his face and chewed the pancake in front of me, with a stupid grin on his face. Well, I could say adorable grin. But he stole my pancake! So he's stupid.

                               "We should do that often. Food tasted great in your mouth..." He winked at me and left one last kiss on my lips. I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm. He put on his puppy dog eyes at me. What the... He had those?

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