"Why are you blushing?"

"I- uh..."

"Who are you texting?" She asked, even though she already knows.

"No one." I answer too quickly. I know if I give her straight answers, she'll want to know everything about our conversation. So, now I'm stalling.

"Glad to know your boyfriend is a no one to you."

"You know, I never thought a mother could be overly accepting of her gay son. Turns out, it's possible." I joke.

But it was true. She was very accepting, sometimes a little too much, but accepting nonetheless. My dad seemed pretty okay with it, I guess. He hasn't changed the way he interacts with me at all. But if the subject of homosexuality comes up or the fact that I have a boyfriend comes up, he kind of just stares into space. At least he doesn't hate me. And then my brother... Well, he teases me about Kyle, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't mean it. You know, younger siblings are supposed to tease older siblings about that kind if stuff. But, really, I don't think he minds that much.

"Oh hush. You should feel grateful. At least I support you."

"Yeah I guess. Anyway, I'm gonna go. Bye, mum!"

"Bye! Have a good day!"

I grab my backpack, sling it over my shoulders and head out the door. With my head down, I take the familiar path to school. When I push open the doors, I remember what happened on Friday with me and Mikell. I fought back. I left him in pain. He's going to kill me now. Shit.

I slip through the halls and go to my locker. I try my hardest to stay unnoticed. After I get my books from my locker, I turn around and make sure that Mikell or his dumb friends are nowhere in sight. When I didn't see them, I quickly walked down the hallway. I was almost to the stairs when I was grabbed roughly from behind and pulled back. I felt a tight arm around my throat as I was put in a headlock.

"You think it was funny? Huh, fag? Think what you did on Friday was funny?"

"Get the fuck off me, Mikell." I cough out. I feel my face go red from lack of oxygen.


He pushes me against a wall and lands a sharp blow to my chest. I gasp after getting the wind knocked out of me. Suddenly, I'm being held back by Danny and Jakob as three guys, Mikell included, pound on me. A slap on the cheek, a punch in the stomach, a kick to the groin. They do it all. The five guys form sort of a circle that I'm in the middle of. Their laughing sickens me and makes me hate them even more. I helplessly kick at them and swing my fists at them. They dodge my attempts and push me all around the circle. Danny grabs me and puts my arms around my back.

"That's enough of him now." Danny says. I let out a breath. Suddenly, Kyle is pushed into the circle, looking terrified. He's being held back by one of the guys I don't know. "Let him watch instead!" Danny snarls.

Mikell smirks disgustingly and punches Kyle in his stomach. Kyle doubles over in pain and lets out a groan. I feel tears sting in my eyes. I struggle to get out of Danny's grip, but he just holds on tighter. I blink back my tears, not wanting them, or Kyle, to see me cry. As Kyle straightens up, we make sudden eye contact. I give him a sorry look and he gives me a helpless look back.

Mikell pushes Kyle down on the floor and starts kicking at him. I can just hear kyles whimpers over the shouting of everyone else. But above everything, I can hear Mikell yelling.

"You ugly, worthless, piece of shit! You're a disgusting faggot and a sorry excuse for a person. Ugly cunt." He spits at Kyle. I could physically feel the anger bubble up inside of me. I couldn't just watch this anymore.

Feelings are Over-Rated (KyleXZac)Where stories live. Discover now