Chapter Eleven

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So. It's been a REALLY long time since I've updated. About three years or so? Anyway, there's been a lot of news about One Direction, and yes, I'm talking about Zayn quitting and Louis having a child.

I'm just writing this to let you guys know that the One Direction will still be like they had been for the past couple of years when everything was still harmonious and yeah.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the new chapter :)))

[Holy's POV]
"Darn it! Get off!" I screamed as I struggled to get the mysterious person off me. It was dark and I couldn't see his face.

I tried my best to break free, but being the wimpy girl that I am, I failed quite epically.

"Fine. What do you want?" I stopped wasting my energy in struggling.

"Oh, nothing. Just wanted to surprise you."

Wait, wha? I know this voice. Wait a moment. Gimme some time to remember.. Hmm..

"LOUIS?? WTF! Get off, you're really heavy!"

I tried pushing him away, but I failed. Again.

Louis just laughed as he effortlessly carried me off the ground to their house.

"WHAT. ARE. YOU. DOING?? Put me down!" I thrashed around as this pink blush forms on my cheeks. And of course, it had not a single effect on him.

Once I was in the house, Louis securely locked the door whilst still carrying me on his shoulders. Are they seriously locking the door with THAT many locks? I can't even pick an average lock. SERIOUSLY. They're treating me like some sort of wild prisoner.

"I could go to your house by myself. I don't need your help. Now, put me down!"

As I said that, Harry came rushing down the stairs and Louis saluted like some military dude.

"Good boy!" Harry told Louis.

"Now can I have my carrots back?"

"They're in the fridge. Go get 'em"

Louis immediately dropped me on the floor and hurried to a room, which probably is the kitchen. I just sat there, dumb founded. Has Louis always been this childish? His love for carrots must sure be on a whole different level.

Harry held out his hand. I took it and I dusted off my jeans and shirt. I was still annoyed by what Louis did, but I guess that this is normal for a bunch of WEIRD dudes like them. Sigh. I can't imagine myself living my everyday life like this. I'll be dead even before I graduate.

"So? Why take such measures just to bring me here?" I asked Harry.

"Well, even though we just met, I already know how stubborn you are," Harry showed his deep dimples.

Before I could say anything he began dragging me to Zayn's room with this GIANT smile on his face. What is up with these boys?? Why do they seem to be soo excited with everything they do?

When we got to Zayn's room, which was on the second floor, Harry just opened his door, without knocking, and pushed me in.

"BLAHHSJDKP" Zayn screamed, covering his exposed chest.

OMG. I can't believe I'm seeing this. Fangirls will surely kill me if they find out. Zayn was shirtless! I hurriedly covered my eyes. I am an innocent girl and I don't just go looking at dudes' exposed bodies.

"Hurry up and wear a shirt!!" I screamed at him. I heard him scrambling about in his room. When he was done, he nervously told me that I could open my eyes already.  When I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was Zayn's apple red face. He looked so cute! I was thinking of taking a picture and maybe making an anonymous account in tumblr and posting it there or something, to embarrass him, but my thoughts were broken when I noticed Harry holding his stomach by the door frame. That little devil wasn't even trying to hold his laughter. He was just there, watching us and laughing his guts out.

"HAHAHAHAHA. You should've seen your reactions! It was golden!! HAHAHAHA Look at the both of you! Your faces are so red you'd think you got sunburned or something! HAHAHAHA"

He just kept laughing there like a hyena. His laugh was adorable though, but I wouldn't admit that. Wait. Did he say the both of our faces? I quickly held my hands against my cheeks, and boy, my face was hot! I didn't notice it. I probably look even redder than Zayn right now. How embarrassing. These boys will pay for what they did. I'll make them pay, someday, one way or another. I glared at Harry and he stopped laughing and backed away.

"U-uh.. Well, look at the time! Have a fun, guys!" Harry hurriedly closed the door and ran down the stairs.

I sighed heavily. It wasn't even the dare yet and it was already tiring. Seriously. I've been getting tired a lot lately, I feel like an old woman.

"S-so.. Why are you here?" Zayn asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

"Oh. Harry didn't tell you? He told me to do the dare tonight." I released another heavy sigh, thinking about the restless night I would have. I sat on the floor.

"Did you bring any clothes to change into?"

"Oh shoot. I forgot!" I silently cursed Harry's ten second time limit. I stood up, but sat down again when I remembered how Louis locked the door.

Zayn seemed to understand my crisis because he went to his closet and took out a shirt and some pajama pants. He handed them to me and said, "Sorry if they're too big. At least that's better than wearing nothing, right?"

I took the clothes and went to the bathroom to change.

Wow, his bathroom looked so clean and organized. He had tons of hair products and body washes, but they were neatly arranged on a shelf beside the sink. You should've seen his collection of mirrors, though. This boy is so vain. I silently smiled and changed. The clothes were so big on me, but they were comfortable enough to sleep in, I guess.

I went out the bathroom and I saw Zayn lying down on one side of his bed. When he saw me, he patted the other side. Is he asking me to sleep on the same bed with him? Oh well, forget it! I was too tired to care. I lied down on the very corner of the other side. We just laid there awkwardly for a couple of minutes. No one was saying a word, when Zayn suddenly spoke.

"You know? To not make the situation more awkward than it already is, let's just watch a movie, kay?"

I didn't move. I just continued laying still.

"You know you're just making this more awkward by NOT talking. Talk there, buddy," he tried again.

"Gah. We are not buddies. Fine, you go choose the movie."

I moved to the center of the bed when he left to look at his collection of DVD's. Yes, I'm a selfish brat and I'm trying to keep the bed to myself. I don't want him sleeping beside me.

"Let's watch Grease," he said, his back still turned away from me. When he placed the cd on the player, he turned to see me occupying the whole space.

"C'mon. Move over, the bed's not all yours."

I just shook my head, closed my eyes, and crossed my arm. I expected him to call me a spoiled kid, or to shower me with playful insults, but I heard nothing. I waited for a few more seconds, and when I still didn't hear anything, I opened one of my eyes, only to see him just a few meters apart from me.


Well, that's it for now. I hope it's long and good enough. I'll update soon. Maybe. ;))

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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