Chapter Ten

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 [Holly’s POV]

Now that I actually thought of it, this day had not really been dull like it had always been before. Actually, today was TIRING. Not to mention, having a lot of fights with Zayn. The thought of him made me sigh. That dude did nothing to my life but add troubles. I, NEVER in my life had been into detention until now. Because of that dude. I tried to clear him out my mind. But of course, all I thought of was him. Why was I so bad in controlling my thoughts?!

So, my usual cure, music. I plopped my earphones in my ears. Music had always been my cure to almost anything. Last time, when I was really sick, I stayed in bed for a week. I did nothing but sleep. But when I got a hold of my iPod, after a day, I was well! I’m weird. You don’t have to say it. It had also been my cure when I’m sad, depressed, angered, or any other emotional problems.

[Zayn’s POV]

I heard Holly sigh and she had a troubled face on. What might she be troubled about? Bah, now I’m thinking of her again. Whyy? I’ve been trying to get her out of my head for a week. When I met her, all I could think about is her. Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t like her, okay? I have Perrie. One is enough for me. I’m not that much of a bad boy. Like Louis, I actually don’t see the sense of having short term relationships. Oh, that reminds me, I still have to call Perrie. We both agreed to call each other for at least one day a week. Now, it’s already Friday and I haven’t called her yet. As I was about to tap the call button on my cell, I felt a heavy thing fall on my shoulder.

Awww, it’s Holly and she’s asleep! Fwush. She’s there. In my head. Again. Why?

I placed my phone back in my bag and stared at Holly. She looks like a cute baby when she’s sleeping. Simply adorable. And she snores! I thought I was the only person I know who snores. The boys think it’s funny. I don’t show it, but I do get hurt. I had never actually told Perrie about it yet. She might laugh at me. But seriously? Who boyfriend keeps secrets to his girlfriend? Call me a fraidy cat, but once she gets a hold of this kind of information, the whole world will know it within seconds. I love Perrie, okay? But sometimes she’s just…well… a blabber mouth. The boys, I can still trust them. I know some of their secrets too that I could blab to the whole world just in case they blab out mine. I have a sinister mind.

Like, I can tell the world Niall still sleeps with a teddy bear. But I won’t. C’mon, I’m a good boy.

Oops. The car stopped. Better wake Holly up. I just moved a little and she immediately woke up. Sheesh. She’s so sensitive.

She was probably surprised of our position because she literally jumped a few centimeters while sitting down. But that was enough to hit her head on the roof.

“Are you okay? Why you so jumpy?” I said, in the midst of laughing.

“Ha-ha. So funny. Of course not! I just hit my head,” she said it as if what I just said is a joke.

“No, seriously.”

“’No, seriously’ what?”

“ehh, never mind”

I started out the car. She was just there, lying back down, in sleeping position.

“Hey, if you don’t come out there, I’ll leave you alone,” I told her, jokingly.

“Who cares? I don’t need you,” came the reply.

 This girl is crazy. But I can’t just leave her in there. Ahem. I’m a gentleman.

So I scooped her up and carried her bridal-style. The moment she felt my hands touch her, her eyes widened and she started screaming, “HARASSMENT!! HEEELP!” This girl is really crazy. But I just ignored her and carried her to her house. Even if I just had to walk for about 3 meters, it was like war. She never stopped kicking and screaming “Harassment”.

When I reached her doorstep, she jumped off my arms, got the key, opened the door, went in, and locked the door. She did it so fast I had no time to even stop her.

“That’s it? No goodbye after I just carried you?” I said.

It was just like I talked to the door. There was no reply. So I just decided to walk out. As I turned around, I heard a faint “goodbye, Zayn”. I can’t help but smile to myself. This has been the friendliest thing she has done to me for the whole day. Like, seriously.

[Holly’s POV]

So he requested a goodbye and I gave it. Nothing special. But why do I feel so… UGH. Whatever. This is nothing. I checked the time. It’s just 6pm. It is still kind of early. I grabbed a snack on the fridge because I was so tired. Yeah, all I did in the car was sleep and now, I’m tired and hungry. Weird.

Oh right! It’s Friday! Yeah!! No school tomorrow. I thought of the things I would want to do over the weekend. The first thing that went in my head was twitter. I haven’t accessed my twitter account for weeks.

I raced to my room and jumped on my bed. I took my laptop from my drawer at my side table and opened twitter. Actually, no one knew I had an account here even my CLOSEST friends. I tweeted:


“Oh yeahh!  Friday! And no parents! Best time of my life!!! :)

After that, I scrolled through my mentions. Hm. Nothing new. I shut off my laptop and logged in on twitter on my phone.

I was about to change when my phone buzzed, signaling a new mention.

I grabbed my phone to check who it was.

Oh myyyyyy…  

It was Harry! I totally forgot about him and the stupid dare! He tweeted:


@TheHairyMonster No parents huh? Don’t forget the dare... ;) You’re welcome anytime!

After that, Louis also tweeted.


@Harry_Styles you dared her, you are the one who should decide when. Sorry, @TheHolyMonster it’s a dare ;D

After a while, Harry tweeted again.


@Louis_Tomlinson is right. @TheHolyMonster you’ll have to do it TONIGHT. I’ll give you 10 minutes to be here OR ELSE >:)…


@Louis_Tomlinson @Harry_Styles WTF?! Are you stalking me or something??? How did you know I had an account here?!


@TheHolyMonster @Louis_Tomlinson I have my ways… Now, 10 minutes!


@Harry_Styles @Louis_Tomlinson FINE!

I logged off. Why, you might ask me. It’s my phone, yes but I wouldn’t risk my parents knowing I have an account there. I mean, they probably wouldn’t get mad, but STILL…

Now, I wouldn’t want to know what the “or else” meant so I quickly changed out of my uniform into a very comfortable tee and shorts. And then, I turned off all the lights, and ran (more like jog) out of the house, binging nothing but my keys and phone.

As I was “running”, I felt someone grab my arms.

 There  you gooo!  :D


I'm sorry I hadn't posted for a LOOONGG time now, but it's here! :D

I just want you guys to know that I had a HUGE writer's block and I had been grounded.

I promise you guys that I will TRY to update within every 2 weeks or so when it's summer vacation already.




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