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Chapter 8
The McCall house was quiet like always, you and stiles had a fight a few minutes ago when he found out that you were still alive.

You felt like curling up in a small ball and hiding.

You felt like disappearing from everyone.

The only sound heard in your room was the sound of the clock ticking, it bothered you a little until you began to think.

Was void really here? Or was it just a dream? I hope it wasn't a dream...

You really want to be with void, to be lying in bed with him with his arms wrapped around you keeping you safe from all the trouble.

Instead your in bed alone feeling cold like you've always been alone with no one.

Closing your eyes you began to fall asleep until you heard a tap on your window.


Sitting up you looked over and saw another small rock tap the window.

Opening it up you pop your head out to see one of your pack members.

"Max?!!" You whispered shout.

He smiled as he climbed up a tree and sits next to the window.

"Hey, y/n I just wanted to make sure you are okay."

"What are you doing here? You should be back at the pack house." You exclaimed.

"Yeah about that.." He said softly looking down.

"What's happening...?" You asked a bit worried.

Max sighed, "voids pissed, when he said no about the baby. Which by the way congrats." He said with a smile.

You smiled back at him.

"Anyway, he's pissed he knows your back in beacons hills he's just afraid to show up again and cause trouble like last time and get you hurt." He whispered.

"I know but he didn't accept out baby...I can't just go back and tell him that I'll abort the baby. OUR baby.."

Max sighed, "well I heard his plan.." He said.

"What is it?"

"He's planning on coming to her you before or after the baby is born he doesn't care he just really wants you back we need you back! Not having you there just...doesn't feel the same.." He whimpered.

You kissed his head and hugged him, "hey I'll do what I can.." You said softly.

"Please come back your like a mom to all of us! I can't lose you."

"You won't I promise it won't happen." You said holding out your pinkie. He chuckled and wrapped his pinkie around yours.



After awhile you both talked about the pack and a few baby names.

"How about tyler for a boy!" He said happily. "Hmm sounds good but what about Koda?" You said.

He frowned, "this ain't the lion king.."

You laughed, "still it's a nice name!"

"Fine and for a girl? Oh! Emily!" You chuckled.

"How about Sapphire?"

"Oh I like sapphire I'll agree with that one but how about tyler for a boy?" He said.

You rolled your eyes at him, "fine I'll think about it." You said.

Checking the time you sighed, "it's late you should head back before void gets angry at you."

"Your right." He said.

"Be safe okay?" You whispered as he climbed down the tree and lands.

"Bye y/n!" He said waving and running off into the dark woods.

Closing the window you lied back and smiled, it felt nice being around a pack member but you still felt a bit worried about void.

Sitting up you walked over to your drawer and pulled your phone out to see many texts and calls.

Checking each call and message got you more worried.

Message 1

Y/n please come back home voids going crazy..

Message 2:

Y/n it's Sam please come back void got angry and left to a close by town killing a random girl!! Please come back!!

Message 3:

I'm scared y/n Owen told me that everything would be okay but it's not.
Voids been mad day and night and it's hard to sleep half of us have to sleep outside!!

Message 4:

Oh my god!! Y/n you need to come back now!! He almost killed Dave!!

You stopped reading the message, it made you feel shocked and almost made you cry.

Checking on the four voice messages you had you slowly clicked the first one.

First voice mail:

"Y/n it's Lucy..."

Lucy was the second littlest girls in the pack that you found alone in the alleyway in town.

"Void is scaring me he's not the same without you...I can't sleep it's hard to sleep when he's shouting at everyone and tossing things around...please come back to us..."

You began to cry quietly hearing her frightened voice on the phone.

Second voice mail:

"Y/n! We need you! Pl-"

You heard voids angry voice in the background.

The voice mail ended there not knowing what happened next.

Third voice mail:


A soft cry was heard.

"We need you here, void he...he's hurting us all...he almost killed dave. He got luke hurt and he punched destiny..."

You soon broke down crying hard, you couldn't take this anymore he was angry at himself because of what he did and you need to head back and fix it.

"We love you..."

The call ended.

You quickly got out of bed and grabbed a bag, "y/n?" You jumped as you looked over at the doorway to see Scott.

"Everything okay?"

"I'm heading back."

"Wait what?!" He asked.

"he's hurting those poor kids and they did nothing wrong! I can't see them suffering because of me so I'm heading back!" You exclaimed as you packed your stuff up.

"Y/n it's going to snow soon! You can't go out there like this! Your pregnant and you could die in the cold."

You stopped packing up, "I don't want to lose one of them Scott...I can't.." You whispered out.

"Your going to lose one on the way if you go.." He said grabbing your hands.

You looked up at him with red puffy eyes and hugged him.

He hugged you back rubbing back and sighing as you cried against his shoulder.


Two chapters in one day YAYA!!

I have so many name ideas now thanks guys!!

And this sort of made me cry when I wrote the message part and calls.

But soon void will show up!!

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