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Chapter 7
The next day things were different..

"She's waking up!"

"Shut up!"

"Come on if she sees you she'll freak out!"

"Shut up guys she waking up!"

You groaned as you began to wake up.

"What the hell?" You mumbled as you sit up and rub your eyes, slowly opening them up you saw a blurry Scott and a blurry liam.

"What time is it?" You asked.

"It's 6 am." Liam answered with a cute smile.

"Yeah.." Scott looked down. "What's wro-" you were cut off by someone stomping into the room.

Looking at who came in your eyes widen, "S-stiles?" You whispered.

"Hey...y/n.." He said not making eye contact.

Of course you almost forgot, you were in love with stiles bad side which made it feel a bit weird since they both so alike and well you get the point!

The thing is that it's weird seeing stiles when you thought it was actually void..

"Y/n?" You were pulled out of your thoughts, "Mm what?" You asked.

"Are you okay? You like spaced out for awhile."

"Yeah I'm down just thinking." You replied.

"About what? About void?" Stiles blurts out.

You were able to tell the anger in his voice.

"Okay, so can't you come in saying why I've been gone for awhile or why I'm pregnant? But, noooo you end up getting angry at me." You replied back with a small glare.

Stiles looked away not saying anything after you've finished.

"Stiles look I know your angry at her but please-"

"Scott I can't alright?! Don't you get it! She's with him! She's with an evil demon that killed out friends and she's having a little devil with him!!"

Hearing that caused you to get angry, "don't you dare say that about my baby!!" You shouted growling at him and showing him your blue eyes.

"Your a werewolf..." Said liam.

"Scott turned me a few years back...but I'm fine v- someone helped me with it..." You said trying not to bring up void again.

"Stiles why are you so angry at y/n? She did nothing wrong!" Scott exclaimed.

"Nothing wrong?! Allison is dead because of her! She saved void because of a reason! And she tried to kill Lydia and I!!" He shouted at Scott and turned glaring at you.

Stiles was changing around you and you began to hate his attitude.

Standing up from the bed you gripped stiles shirt and pushed him against the wall hard, "Listen stiles! I was helping void because I was dying in the inside!! When I was with you guys I thought everything would change!" You said glaring at him.

"None of you even noticed until void did and he changed my life. Now shut up and let it go!! That was years ago!!" You said letting him go.

He let's out a breath and caught his balance, "Still doesn't change anything." He whispered out which you could hear.

"The shy, depressed, and happy girl is gone stiles! Now you deal with that before I change my mind and decided to rip you to shreds." You warned him as you moved back in bed.

Liam looked like he was enjoying this little conversation and stayed quiet the whole time.

Scott kept glancing at you and stiles a few times.

"We should just go out to look for void and kill him like we should of done before." Said stiles as he stood a few feet away from you.

"We can't." Scott replied looking at him.


"Because...y/n doesn't want us to.."

Stiles let's out a sigh, "Scott your an alpha. And your following her orders?" He points over at you.

"I'm not following orders. I'm doing it because she's happy with him alright? There starting a family and if we attack that family of hers bad things would happen to all of us." Scott explained and looked down.

Stiles left the room, he was angry and slammed the door shut as he left outside and into his jeep riding back home.

"I'm sorry y/n..."

"It's okay...he deserves to know the truth soon..." You whispered.


Sorry for late chapter

Promise I'll update soon!!

Also rate and comment

Love you all!!

Also give me a list of baby names!! Girl and boy!! So I can use when the baby is born!!

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