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Chapter 4
The next morning you stayed in bed, facing void you watched as he slept next to you.

You smiled softly at him as you run your fingers through his soft hair.

He smirked in his sleep and let's out a soft moan making you laugh softly.

You kept playing with his hair until he began to wake up, "hey..." He whispered.

Smiling at him you replied back, "morning.."

He moved you closer to his chest as he began to fall back asleep.

Enjoying him close to you, letting out a sigh you began to think.

Void I'm pregnant

No, no to simple how about, "hey guess what?! I'm pregnant and it's yours!!" Nope so not working.

You kept thinking of a way, but you had nothing in mind. Instead you let out a sigh.

I'll tell him later...

Getting unwrapped from his arms you left to the bathroom to take a shower.

Taking a cold shower you let the water run down your body, humming you got cleaned up, changed and headed downstairs.

Heading down the stairs you noticed that everyone was gone since the house was really quiet.

You sighed as you began to cook some eggs for yourself since you were hungry.

You felt someone snake there arms around your waist and pull you close.

"Oh my god!" You said jumping as you looked over your shoulder to see void with his smirk like always.

"You scared me!" You said looking away, he chuckled at you as he kissed your cheek. "I'm sorry..."

He moved his hands up to your stomach.

You froze and held your breath for awhile.

Don't notice, don't notice, don't notice, don't notice!!!!!

He sighed against your neck, "Y/n?"

Okay now your dead!! I'll miss you blue world!!

You turned to look at him, "y-yeah?" You asked as you finished up the eggs.

He let's your waist go, "Uh," he stared at you.

You felt like crying telling him that you were sorry and didn't tell him about you being pregnant.

He let's out a loud sigh, "I think your eating to much..." He said.

Your eyes widen,

"You think I'm Fat?" You asked with a raised brow. "What? No I'm just saying that you need to stop eating for awhile." He said.

You felt angry at him, he was calling you fat.

"Well guess what?!!" You shouted at him.

"I am not fat!! It's called pregnan-" your eyes widen at what you were going to say.


He stared at with wide eyes, "wait," he started, "your pregnant?" He asked.

You stood still not moving, you probably weren't even breathing!!

"I...I..." You stuttered.

"We can't have it..." He said with anger in his voice.

You were shocked, "w-what?" You asked.

"We can't have a baby." He said again.

You took a few steps back from him, "but it's your child! Our child!!" You shout at him.

He stared at you with anger in his eyes, "we can't have this baby!! It could cause trouble for the pack and us!"

"So your saying you want me to kill the baby?!" You growled as your eyes turned to a blue since you turned into omega a few months ago.

He gripped your wrists tight, "We. Can't. Have. It." He said slowly.

You let out a soft whimper as he squeezed your wrists tighter.

"N-n-no..." You said as you quickly pushed him away.

"If we can't have this child then you can't have me." You said glaring at him.

His eyes widen, "what?"

"Yeah! You heard me!! If you won't accept this baby then I'm not staying here!!" You shouted as you walked out of the kitchen.

"You can't leave me!" He shouts following you out.

Grabbing your jacket and bag you tried to hold back tears.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Back to beacon hills." You replied as you glared over at him.

Slipping on your jacket you sighed.

"Y/n..." He grabbed your hand.

"You can't leave me...the pack needs you...I need you." He said pulling you into a soft kiss.

You didn't kiss back and shook your head, "no..." You pulled away.

"I knew this would happen," you whispered looking down.

"I'm sorry but if you won't let us have this child then I'm leaving." You said looming up at him with tears in your eyes.

He was about to pull you into a hug, but you ended up pushing him away.

"Goodbye..." You whispered as you left the house heading deep into the woods.

You let the tears pour down your cheeks, he didn't agree to have the child.

Now you have to go to Scott and see if he accepts you again as a friend...or worse he'll just have to kill you.

You were able to hear from a distance, void was angry. Really angry.

Whimpering you walked faster not looming back.

Hey guys sorry for a late chapter was busy with homework and family stuff!!

But here is another chapter sorry if it's short my chapters are sometimes up to 1,000 words!

But this one was short so yeah enjoy this chapter!💕

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