"Yes it is, and I am ready for it. I have been working for years for this moment, and I am taking it. I will show them the monster they created the moment they killed my parents." I said coldly.

I lied back down on my bed forgetting my morning work out, and just worked out every single detail in my mind.

Jack jumped back in bed too, and sat there.

"Elsa, I was sent here to protect you. I promise I won't let anything happen to you, and I can help you."

"No Jack, that is where you are wrong. No one can help me." I said.

Then he pulled me close, and kissed me without warning or permission. I don't know why, but I pulled myself closer and kissed back. Maybe because I very well could die in a few days, maybe it was because he seemed different to me, or maybe it was something else I couldn't explain. Kissing him just felt enjoyable, and there are so few things in my life left that bring me joy. I opened my mouth and let our tongues connect as he flipped me over so he was on top. His arms pinned my hands down, while his hands got tangled up in my hair.

We parted when we were both out of air, and couldn't kiss anymore without dying from lack of oxygen. I looked at him, and weakly smiled, then pushed him off and got up. I changed into a pair of black leggings, a loose white V-neck t-shirt. Then I went downstairs and made everyone breakfast. After that I read some. I knew Jack was staring at me, but he had his disguise on now. Even though I knew he was looking at me, I chose to ignore him.

"You know, I never told you that you have the voice of an angel." he said.

"Thank you." I said blankly, then looked back to my book. I continued to read my book in silence until Anna woke up.

"Morning Elsa."

"Morning Anna." I said, "Any more nightmares, or did you sleep okay?"

"No, thanks by the way." she said.

"That is good."

"Have you been up all morning?" she asked looking at me worried.

"Yeah, but I'll be fine." I smiled at her, "Besides, I'm used to it."

"What are you reading?"

"It is a book called Dangerous Works. It about these two people. This girl is a notorious thief that works for this gang called the Nightmares, and this boy other is a chief inspector that works on the police force. They meet one day while she was on a heist, and she showed him up, like hard core showed up. He vowed then and there to put her behind bars. The girls face is unknown because she faked her death, she has never been seen or caught before, and is living through a fake identity she made up called Elizabeth Winters, who is a famous opera singer. The guy finds out, but every time he encounters her, she outwits him so he can't ever seem to prove she is the thief."

"So what happens?" Anna asked sitting down next to me.

"Well, he ignores all of her warnings to back off the Nightmares, and she ends up saving his life several times. Though this causes a lot of trouble for her. She was forced into a relationship with an abusive man, and every time she disobeys or helps the inspector she is severally beaten. Even knowing this she still tries to protect him until one day her 'boyfriend' finds out, and he is forced to join the Nightmares as well."

"And?" Anna urges me on.

"And slowly the two find themselves both living double lives. The guy also finds himself falling head over heels for his sworn enemy. The girl knows she is falling for him too, but is terrified. Everyone she has ever encountered that she has had remote feelings for in the past was murdered by the Nightmares. She keeps trying to push this guy away to save him, but eventually she just can't anymore. So there they are partners in crime trying to secretly love each other, while striving to escape the Nightmares and one day start a life together."

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