Chapter Twenty-Two: It's A Secret

Start from the beginning

"How long is the walk?" He laughed at my question.

"Sorry, it's just that you ask too many question," he said. I pouted in response.

"Well are you going to answer my question?" I asked as I poked the side of his head. He playfully rolled his eyes.

"We're actually here," he said as he pointed to an orphanage.

"An orphanage? Why are we going to an orphan-"

"Just go with it," he said as he placed his finger on my lips. He opened the door and hundreds of kids came rushing towards us. I hid behind Jellal's back. He laughed at my sudden reaction.

"I thought you weren't coming back until Saturday, Jellal-nii-san," a little boy said.

"Who's the girl behind you?" A little girl asked.

"Is she your girlfriend, Jellal?" Another kid asked. He laughed at the little children.

"Settle down, everyone. No, she is not my girlfriend. She just wants to come and see you all," Jellal said as he gestured me towards the kids.

"H-Hello. My name is Erza Scarlet. I'm really looking forward to meeting each and every one of you," I said. The kids cheered.

"You look so pretty, Erza-nee-chan," a slim and petite girl said. I blushed at her nice compliment.

"A-Arigatou," I said. The kids started dragging me towards them. I mouthed to Jellal to help me, but he just smiled and waved.

"Why isn't he your boyfriend?" A curios boy asked.

"We're just friends," I told him. He doesn't seem too happy with my answer.

"Erza-nee-chan? Did Jellal tell you about his past story? It's really interesting! He told all of us about it," A girl with beautiful blue eyes asked.

"No, I don't want to be a nuisance to him," I answered. The children looked at me with confusion.

"Uh, what does nuisance mean?"

"A nuisance is a person who is really annoying," I told the kids.

"Why would you be a nuisance? Jellal keeps talking about you all the time," a boy with curly hair said.

"W-What?" I blushed.

"He can never stop talking about you. How pretty you always are. How smart and strong you are. He told me that whenever you saw a person do anything to your strawberry cakes, you would kill them," a girl about ten years old said. All the kids gasped.

"How come you're not in jail yet?" A blonde boy asked. I sweat dropped.

"I don't really do it," I told them. They all sighed in relief.

"Come on, Erza. Let's go play outside!" The kids exclaimed as they grabbed hold of my two hands.

"If that's ok with you, then that's ok with me," I said. We went outside and played a lot of fun activities together. I never knew hanging out with kids could be this fun.

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