Chapter Ninteen

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A Budding Talent ~ Lily

I stretched my arms high into the air and shrugged my shoulders, it had seemed forever, my memories of being depressed didn't make me feel any better. I knew what I had put Heath into, with my withdrawal from life as I tried to grieve and heal. When I started to get better, I knew I had to do something to make it up to Heath. I was with my best friend Bethany, the other girls chased after their dreams and that made me really think about life. "I'm going for it" I said with determination "going for what?" Bethany asked "I want to chase after my dream of becoming a singer" I said "that was your dream? I had no idea" Bethany said "we talked about it in Elementary school remember?" I asked and laughed as she made a confused face.

Bethany then turned to me "are you and Heath doing anything for the Halloween night coming up?" she asked "Halloween is coming up?" I asked looking at her with a shocked face "yeah, people are saying you and Heath may throw a sweet bash party" Bethany said "we haven't really made any plans for the night" I said "okay, but if you do and its the Halloween party, call me and I'll spread the word" Bethany said "thanks, you know everything around here" I said "I became someone really cool enough to help the world" she said "well at least I know who to go to for everything" I said "yeah, I'm glad to see you doing better then before" she said.

"That before me, I hated the woman I became after I found out I couldn't get pregnant because of the incident that happened with Brooke, but things are really starting to peak up for me" I said "that's great, oh yeah, before I forget, one of my friends told me that there is this record company is looking for a new singer, maybe I can pinpoint you to him" Bethany said. "Oh my gosh I will love you forever" I said "say no more, there are things I would do for my best friends, I mean things have changed and new stuff are becoming more and more friendlier now" Bethany said "Beth I love you" I said and she smiled "go to work, your husband must be waiting for you" she said.

After a air kiss and a wave, we were off on our separate ways. I walked to the looming building where Heath owned and I half worked. Money wasn't a problem because Heath was rich and he gave me anything I wanted without me asking. I have told him he didn't have the need to do such things for me, but he never seemed to listen, maybe he was scared of losing me. After the day of work, I collapsed onto the couch with a heave and closed my eyes "are you alright Lily?" Heath asked "yeah, I have been working to much" I said and he smiled "allow me to massage your back and neck?" he asked "yes please" I muttered and laid on my stomach, closing my eyes. It must have seemed forever when I opened my eyes and found myself tucked under a blanket.

I sat up and saw that Head was sitting beside the couch with his head on his arms and he was sleeping. I leaned forward and kissed his forehead and smiled "always doing things for me" I said and quietly got off the couch and walked to the kitchen. I flicked the light on and grabbed myself some drink of juice. I saw a plate with a note attached to it and found that he had made me dinner and to eat it if I woke up without him. I smiled, he was the right man for me, I knew I found the person that I would be together with forever. Maybe it was fate that gave me him.

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