Chapter Six

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Pregnancy..Wait What? ~ Heath

After a whole month their relationship was kept in the dark. Heath wanted to tell the world about him finding someone that he wanted, someone to keep him earthed to the ground and rooted to a spot where he wanted to be with the woman he loved. His girlfriend Lily only saw him at work, or at dinners where he books a room for them to spend the night.

They never talked about kids, or marriage, so far it was a relationship Heath wanted to keep, he didn't want to lose Lily, for he loved her so much. Heath took Lily out during the day and he took her to places she wanted to see. He loved it when she looked at him and her sexy smile and beautiful face. Heath loved kissing her, he loved having his arms around her waist and having her body close to his.

Heath took her to the swimming pools and they swam around the under covered swimming pools cause the sun dries out her skin and makes her sun burnt. When Heath went to pick her up from home, she had a pink bikini on and the look of less clothes on her really made his heart rate pick up and made him flush. Lily slipped into his arms and smiles.

"Hey" she said and Heath smiled as he gave her a kiss "hey" he said. She licked her lips and smiles "feeling a bit down?" she asked obviously teasing him "how am I when I see you looking all sexy?" he asked "me? Looking all sexy?" she asks and then rolls her eyes "let's go" she said and takes his hand. Heath didn't mind being seen in public with her, because he wanted to whole world to know he loved her.

When they arrived at the pools, she dropped her bag and took her shoes off as she walks to the edge of the pool and dips her toe in. Heath walked to her side and wraps an arm around her waist "I got this area closed off so we can spend the time together" Heath said "you didn't have to" she said and turns around, pressing her lips against his.

After a swim and lunch, Heath noticed something wrong with Lily "hey, are you alright?" he asked "I feel sick, I've been like this since this morning" she said and Heath pulled her close "don't worry, I'll take care of you" he said and kissed her forehead. Lily shook her head "I need the bathroom" she said and fled from his arms and to the toilets. Heath went to the door and all he could hear was her vomiting.

When Lily opened the door, she stumbled out, falling into his arms. "Lily?" he asked his hand on her forehead and noticed she was burning up. Then it hit Heath, they had been having sex for the past two months and he was trying to remember if he ever used protection for them. "Shit" he said and Lily looked up at him "what is it Heath?" she asked in a small raspy breath.

"It could be possible that you are pregnant" Heath said "wh-what?" Lily asked and then there was a loud slap as Lily slapped him across the face "what the hell Heath, I thought you used protection for all of them" she said. Heath looked away "I don't remember, and I said it could be possible, not that your pregnant" Heath said.

"I'm going home, and I am going to change and see the doctor, I will see you at work tomorrow" Lily said and grabbed her things as she walked away. Heath covered his face with his hands and sighed "shit" he mumbled and then went to grab his things and drive home.

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