Wannabe Me?

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Marika made me sleep with Ash because she didn't want anymore levatating in bed and he could get me down too. I felt awkward laying so close to me. But sooner or later I fell into blissful sleep. I couldn't wait for tomorrow. I woke up with the sunlight pouring onto my face. It felt like liquid happyness. I could feel it on my skin and couldnt help but smile as I slowly came back to my senses. I felt somthing warm aganist my back and stomach. I opened my eyes to realize I was in Ashs' hands. I blinked and got out of bed and walked to the window.

I stood there in front of the window for what felt like seconds. I felt the sun on my skin and with every breath I took it sunk into me. The feeling was undescribable and completly perfect. I closed my eyes and smiled. I could see it now. I thought about the sweet meadow at my house I found once. The waterfall. So beautiful, so bright. I could just see myself laying in the grass sucking in the sunlight. I could feel the grass now...

"NATTIE!" My eyes opened and I was tackled and spun in the air. I looked to see I was on top of Ash. Why on earth would he TACKLE me?

"What why did you tackle me?" I whispered completly shocked. he shook his head.

"You were getting lighter, not bright so it would hurt to look at though. Then you started to fade. I think you were going to teleport. What were you thinking of. Because I swear I heard water." My mouth just hung open.

"I was going to teleport. I was just sucking in some sunlight. I didn't know. I was just thinking about how fun it was with friends and how you guys might like it .I was thinking of a meadow with a waterfall if that answers your question." He just looked at me and shook his head. When Mars woke up.

"What the hell are you guys doing?! Hell no! you guys going to do THAT when im in the room!" She shouted at us. It took me awhile to comprohend. When I did I jumped off Ash.

"Its nothing like that. Quite the opposite actually. Ash tackled me because I was accidentally using my powers to teleport." Then I realized my mistake. Mars teleports. I lowered my head.

"Shes telling the truth." Ash butted in, making my condition worst. I shook my head but Marika just smiled.

"Ok. Lets head to the field. Come on, hold hands ill flash us." I let out a releaved breath. Mars smile got bigger. We all held hands and I closed my eyes and Ash let go of my head after Marika and I opened my eyes to see myself in a small clearing.

"Okay. Im sorry but Ash your up first to see if she has an offense power." She gave me and apolgetic smile and mouthed good luck. I watched as she stepped in the shelter of the trees.

"I'll start off mild." he said and ran normally at me then he was pratically invisible with his speed. "Left side punch." All of a suddenly I flew to the right, then I was caught set down and when I looked around Ash was in the same place he started off in. I was just rooted there. "Im trying again." He stated it but a quick stab of fear. " Right side push andim not catching you." Then I was flying. He wasn't going to catch me! I threw my hands out and he caught me. I just stayed there frozen when someone started clap.

"You did it. Your floating!" Marika yelled. I opened my eyes. There was gold floating from my hands, some how keeping me up. I slowly moved them up untill I sttod. I turned and smiled.

"Lets do it again!" I said cheerfully. Ash let out a laugh and Mars agreed. I got knocked down three times before I got the idea to use my gold to try to push away Ash. When he yelled where he was going to hit I raised my hands to block myself and there was and incredibly loud thud. I looked to see a flat piece of see through gold whit a whit tint, standing in front of me like a wall. I looked to see Ash on the ground holding his nose. That explained the thud.

"Holy crap! I think my nose is broken!" I took a step forward but everything started to spin. I dropped down to my knees. "Nattie! Are you ok?" I shook my head. All of sudden I noticed the light again. I felt it every where. It soaked into my skin till the spinning stopped and I felt strong. I stood up and rushed to Ash. Let me see it. I gently touched it with the tip of my pointing finger. I focused on the sunlight going into him, making everything better, fixing his nose. He let out a little moan. I open my eyes to see what was happening. I could see the gold flying into his nose as it fixed itself. Once it was stright I pulled away and Ash opened his eyes.

"That was amazing. I haven't felt that happy in my life. It felt so good." Ash exclaimed. mars gave me a werid look and whispered

"I know what you can do."


Cliff hanger!!! oh & fact each person can have 2 powers usually 1 offensiv & 1 defense....

I an uploading a lot of books that have been locked away in my computer so check them out OR i wont upload...and pretty please vote on them....




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