What Hides In The Dark <pt 2>

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(Y/n) struggled in the chain that she was wrapped in. She sent a threanting glare, "Shredder!" she said with rage and a growl in her tone. "I KILLED YOU!" (y/n) shouted at him. "That's what you think" shredder said as a smart remark. (Y/n) struggled against the chains as they pulled her. "Your struggling amuses me." he said with a dirty smirk spreading across his face.

Raph's P.O.V
I walked into my room noticing (y/n) still asleep. "Shes been asleep for a while" I whispered to myself careful not to wake her. As I was about to walk out of my room I noticed her starting to slowly toss and turn. I stopped at the door way and turned around noticing her tossing and turning violently on my bed. "Somethings wrong."

(Y/n)'s P.O.V
I growled harshly as the chains tightened and continued to try to pull me back. "LET ME GO!!" I yelled at shredder continuing to fight the chains. "Oh don't you wish I would." he chuckled darkly. I panted heavily pulling hard on the chains as one snapped. One of my wrists were now freed. I noticed shredder's eyes widen at my strength and actions. I snapped the other chain on my wrist "Not.so.weak huh?" I growled at shredder. "Haha, your still weak your captivated in your dream and you cant wake up." shredder pointed the fact out. "I...I'm in a dream?!?" I shouted but then smirked "Well then none of this is real." I dreamed about the chains disappearing and they did "And neither.are.you" I smirked evily standing up.

Raph's P.O.V
I continued to try to wake (y/n) up. No response came from her she just continued her motions. I sat her up and opened her eyes slightly but the shut fast. "She'll be ok" I explained to my self

"So you wanna replay your ass getting beat by me again?" (y/n) smirked evily walking slowly toward shredder. She heard him choke on his wordes as she pulled out her weapon. "Lets go......just me.and you." (y/n) eyes narrowed at him. Shredder gulped proving hes no match for (y/n).

"Aw, who's weak now" (y/n) smirked

( I finally updated hope you guys like it I know I know its been a while but I finally updated so yeah here you all go)

Love That Lies (Raph X reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora