The Silenced

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(rahzar and dog pound are gonna be two different people so quit complaining)

(Y/n) walked out of Raph's room to the living room heading to the door. "Were are you going?" Donnie asked poking his head out of the entrance of his lab. (Y/n) looked at the ground with her hand on the door knob "just going for a walk.." (y/n) said drifting the sentence off. Then (y/n) walked out into the sewers putting on her black hoodie. Raph came out of his room and went to the dojo. (Y/n) got out of the sewers and put the man hole cover on making sure no one was around. She started climbing the tall building with her razor sharp claws clawing and gripping the wall made of bricks. (Y/n) got to the roof and started running on the roof tops. Raph was punching the punching bag in the dojo to relax. As (y/n) jumped roof to roof she saw Rahzar, Dog pound, Tiger claw, and Shredder "shit" (y/n) whispered to herself. "I smell something something familiar." Tiger claw said in his low rough voice. "So do I." Rahzar said sniffing the air. "Me as well." Dog pound said sniffing the air along with Tiger claw and Rahzar. Raph got done with blowing off steam in the dojo and looked at his brothers "(Y/n) is still not back yet?" He said looking around. Donnie looked at Raph "she's been gone for a good two and a half hours." Donnie said with a shrug. What they didn't know was (y/n) was franticly running from her Rahzar, Dog pound, Tiger claw, and Shredder.

Raph's P.O.V

Why would she be gone for so long? Is she hurt? Is she ok? Well shes probably fine. At least I hope so.

(Y/n) was running as fast possible "get over here you little rat." Tiger claw said with a growl shooting at her. Dog pound and Rahzar quickly got in front of (y/n) and stopped her and picked her up by the throat. (Y/n) struggled hard to get air and watched Shredder slowly walk up to her.

(Y/n) P.O.V

Just great like old times. What the hell do I do now? I'm so screwed.

Raph started to get more and more worried. "Nice to see you again daughter." Rahzar said with a evil smirk. When Shredder got in front of (y/n) she kicked him in the stomach. Shredder didn't do anything but hold his stomach. "Fuck you!!" Shredder said shooting (y/n) a glare. "I don't take offers sorry." (Y/n) said sarcastically. Rahzar and Dog pound dropped (y/n) on the cold hard sement floor of the roof. Raph paced back and forth worrying. "Your not escaping this time." Shredder said before knocking (y/n) out. Then he threw a good elbow to her head and lights out.

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