Beast Within

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Raph spun around and backed away slowly. (Y/n) started breathing heavily as she shaped shifted. Her sparkling, bright (e/c) eyes were now a deep crimson red. Very sharp canines and claws appeared. (Y/n) turned into a true demon wolf, (y/n) fell on all fours as fur cascaded over your body with red designs on your fur . Spikes pierced through her head down her spine, chest, and back of Her legs. Shredder stood and marveled at what she became. Towering over them all she gave a loud ground shaking roar "RRAAAWWWOORR!!!" Eveyone fell over as the ground shook violently. Blood streamed out of (y/n) mouth flowing over her knife sharp canines. She slowly made her way toward Rahzar, Rahzar and the others shook at every step (y/n) took. Lifting a paw with razor sharp claws at the end of it (y/n) took a swipe at Rahzar. She cut open Rahzar's chest leaving Rahzar to fall dead bleeding. Raph watched in horror and amazment of (y/n) capabilities. (Y/n) turned to face Shredder and charged at him barking and snarling. Dog Pound and Tiger Claw had ran off. "Stop beast!" Shredder commanded. (Y/n) ignored his words and picked him up in her jaws. Shredder attempted to stab her in the eye but fail and only cut her leaving a scar over her eye and under it. That didn't stop (y/n) from crushing Shredder's bones with all (y/n) force.

Raph's P.O.V
I watched as (y/n) killed her father and Shredder brutally. She is the spawn of evil and darkness. I can't stop loving her though. I can't move from shock either. I hope she's not stuck like this forever, but what I hope most is she's still alive.

(Y/n) spit out Shredder along with his armor, blood flowing from all the puncture wounds. She turned and walked toward Raph. Raph stampered backward into a wall. (Y/n) growled lowering her face to right in front of his. "P-please (y/n) d-d-dont kill me please I beg you." Raph shuddered as (y/n) growled. "I am dark but I am still me on the inside, despite my pure dark soul." (Y/n) said growling. Raph fainted from shock and fear.

Raph's P.O.V
I look into her dark blood red eyes. It felt like she was staring into my soul. It burnt for some reason but I don't know why though. Her words reasured me but then...................blackness.

(Y/n) sniffed Raph, he was fine. She put Raph on her back and ran in the sewers barely fitting. Before (y/n) through the door she feel on her side shaking the floor. (Y/n) tranceformed back to herself her clothes where torn. (Y/n) fainted letting blackness over come her.

~7 hours pass~

Raph slowly opened his eyes looking around. Raph noticed he was on a bed in Donnie's lab. He stood up and noticed (y/n) was on a bed next to him also. Leo, Mikey, and Donnie came running into the lab. "Raph's awake, check (y/n)." Leo said looking at Donnie. Donnie walked over to (y/c) checking her pulse and breathing. Raph stood up and walked over next to Donnie. "Are you ok Raph?" Leo asked worryingly. Raph gave Leo a reasuring nod.

Raph's P.O.V
I wonder how long I was out? It doesn't matter anyway, why isn't (y/n) awake yet. I hope she's ok.

"How long was I out for Donnie?" Raph questioned. Donnie looked at him through the corner of his eye "about 7 hours." Donnie said checking (y/n). "Uhh....Leo (y/n) pulse is super low and she's struggling for air." Donnie said with a horrified and worrying tone. Raph's eyes widened. "WHAT!?" "Help her then!" Leo said worried. "What do you think I'm doing Leo, baking cupcakes." Donnie said sarcasticly while connecting (y/n) up to a breathing tube. Everyone left the room except Raph. Raph pulled up a chair in Donnie's lab next to her bed. "(Y/n) if ya can hear me I just hope you wake up. I never um.....really told ya but I-I love you (y/n) I need please stay." Raph teared up trying not to let a tear escape.

(Y/n) P.O.V
All there was, was darkness. Like it is any different any way. I heard a faint rough male voice. I knew it was Raph and I listened to every word he said. Why is he waiting for me though? I love him so much to I just hope I live to tell him just how much.

Love That Lies (Raph X reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin