Chapter 5- The Lone Stranger

Start from the beginning

 As I reached halfway I heard noises from behind me. The shadows reflected on the walls. "Hello?" My voice comes out smaller than usual.

I twist around and saw a face staring back at me.  "Oh my lord man you scared me. Didn't your mama ever tell you not to creep up on people?" I pouted playfully. The man stepped closer to me who looked like he was 25. His head was shaved bald with thick tattoo patterns covering it. He had a goatee that looked as if it was trimmed with a knife. His dark brown eyes frightened me, and stared at me with interest.

"Well, well." He says making me flinch. I am not trying to be mean or anything but this guy was scary as fudge.  "What is a little girl like you doing in a place like this?" He asks me as he takes out a sharp knife.

"Woah. Do you know how dangerous knifes are? You cannot be so childish with them. You could hurt yourself and others. Would you like it if someone stabbed you with a knife? Huh? It would hurt, wouldn't it." I scold him like how my mother would.

"Hey don't tell me what to do." He growled out and I shook my head. His pale fingers tighten its hold on the knife.

"No I will, because you could of hurt someone or yourself. How irresponsible of you. You should be ashamed of yourself." I told him wiggling my finger. He stared at me in disbelief as to how I could growl at him.

Finally after a few minutes of wiggling his knife he put it in his pockets. He sighed and said, "I am sorry, its just that I don't really get to talk to people." He huffed out. A lonely expression crossed on his face making me feel sad.

"It's okay, come here." I motioned him since I didn't really wanna move because of my ankle. He looked at me and then stood closer. I did the best thing I could do in this situation.

I hugged him.

Okay he didn't smell too good but everyone needs a hug one in a while. His arms dangled at his sides; obviously feeling awkward. I tightened my tiny arms making him take a breathe  in.

I removed  my arms from him and he sighed, "Thank you." He mumbled out shyly.

"Oh it's okay." Now that the knife was away he looked slightly less frightening. I grinned almost sheepishly, "Can you help find the Emergency Centre?"

Almost immediately I felt his eyes analysing, "Are you hurt?" He moved back a bit as if he wasn't comfortable with our distance.

"Oh no, um well it isn't really an emergency, my ankle hurt. I may or may have not tripped over a lawn mower." I felt embarrassed to say it, with the sentence out in the open the guy laughs. His voice was the only noise heard in the alleyway.

"Christ girl, how did you manage that?" It almost felt as if I was talking to Milly. I shrugged my arms up, and then raised my brow at the question that I had originally asked.

"But yeah. It's at the end of this alleyway." I squealed at his remark. "Are you okay?" The stranger looked at me wildly, he probably think you escaped the mental institution.

"Sorry. It's just that I was right. I knew that the hospital was this way."

"Little one, don't ever come through alleyways, not everyone is as nice as me." He blushed faintly as if he was shy that he cared for a stranger. Awhh he was a big softy.

"Little one?" I questioned giggling at the childish nickname. 

He shrugged, "Yeah, you're little." He patted my head as if I was a dog. 

"Hey! Do not ever bring my height into this conversation. Ever." I emphasise the Ever part. I wiggle my index at him making he chuckle.

"Sorry little one, but I can't take you seriously with the unicorn shoes," He pointed at my cute trendy shoes.

Mr Grumpy - DISCONTINUED AND BEING RE-WRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now