It's seven and Judy hasn't come home yet. Maureen left at around five thirty and I wont lie I have been a bit worried. How long does it take to do the test, she is supposed to be back by now. You know for the little party thing she had planned. My text that I sent about an hour ago wasn't replied.

Am I worried?


Has my brain gone over three hundred and fifty ways of how things went wrong and I should just call her?


The doorbell rang waking me up from my over thinking. Must be Will Judy can never ring the doorbell. That's just not her. I did a last check on how I look on the mirror that I now find useful close to the door before I opened up.

I had put effort in looking good, ok, I put my hair up and wore saddles but I still think I didn't do enough after seeing Will. His hair was the usual but I think he did something to it because it looks sexier, or is it the dark lingering at the back. He had on a black muscle shirt under the black zipper jacket. I won't lie that I was not checking out his chest but I didn't look obvious doing it. At least that's what I think I did. His gray faded jeans and shoes that made Johnny Depp look like his stylist had me rethinking why I wore sandals.

"You look nice." he looked down at his shoes then at mine.

"Let me go change." Thank you for making me look stupid. Why did I pick sandals again.

"No don't, I like... " he stopped me a bit too fast. " I mean I like how you look. " he put his hands in his front pocket and started swinging on his toes.

Am I responsible for making this sexy god nervous? Someone please give me an award for I have already upgraded to an untouchable level. Just kidding. "Let me get my bag."

Remember the range rover he almost knocked me over with the first time we met, well that was what were in. The inside smelled of his cologne, minty with the cigarettes a bit fading but now with a mixture of leather . I didn't pass the opportunity to deeply inhale this amazing smell and yes it involved me closing my eyes.

"Do you like music? He had turned to face me once we were on the main road.

"Do you like breathing?" I smiled once I saw him catch up. "I thought you liked classics?"

"I do, but.. " his smile faded into something painful.

" You don't have to tell me."I shifted in my sit, I need to find a comfortable position suddenly my seat feeling hot. He sighed and forced a smile that I know so much showed up. The smile that says thank you for not pushing.

A few minutes of driving in silence my phone vibrated. Thank you the lords of luck, I needed that save. It was a massage from Judy. My fingers moved quickly moved to the read button.

Judy: sorry for no reply but was caught up doing somen... And yoh i passed. This girl has a licences. So if you guessing I am doing the happy dance. And have a good time am with Chris heading home. See you not so late.

Me: With Chris? Hahaha

I thought she didn't like guys but this thing she is having with Chris has left me with a lot of questions.

"What are you all smiles about?" We were pulling in front of a white house that had soft music playing I think from the back. Live music.

"Where are we?" I shrugged his question with needing mine answered, I really am not ready for a party but I usstrapped anyway since he was doing it. I met Will at the front of his car.

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