Monsters & Demons

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Ellie's facial expression slightly startles me.

There's a silence in the room and she's speechless. I wasn't completely sure if my choice of words startled her, or if she was flabbergasted at me saying it.

"What did you say?"

I had been confused as to why she asked me that question. "I said.. I love you," my voice sounding more confident than before.

Ellie's eyes start to water quickly after. "Why do you love me?" I hear the clearing of her throat as she holds back herself from coming undone.

"I love that you're genuinely kind and caring. You catch onto the things in which I didn't. The noticeable difference when I'm not laying in bed with you, when you sent me lunch earlier because you know I eat lavishly, or the moments in which I need to express my manly instincts you let me express them on you so freely. I feel protective when it comes to you because I don't know what I would do without you. I feel like the world rich in color, but without the sun I am nothing. Because to thrive I need the sunshine to light me on the right path. You're that light. You're my sun. I cannot survive without you. I need you. It's terrifying, but inviting."

The music has taken over the silence in its elegance balance of the smooth violin chiming along with a piano. Ellie stands before me wiping away her tears trying so very hard not to mess up her make up.

"I don't want you to ever have that feeling for no one else," she admits trying to smile.

The selfishness so prominent, but I wouldn't want to love another. "There's not another female in the world who could even have a remote chance in taking my eyes away from you," I whisper so only she could hear.

I step up closely placing the fingertips of both of my hands along her cheek, holding onto her face before running my lips along the surface of hers. The space between us limited so that I can feel the heat resonating off of her. Our eyes meet to one another not looking elsewhere as if we would miss the slightest movement. It was in that exact moment I made a promise to myself. One that I would never break in hopes that if she would be the last person on Earth that I shared this promise with.

"I love you."

I hear her breathe in deeply.

"As I love you as well."

Then in that moment I press my lips against hers eliminating the little bit of space left. We embrace into a deeper kiss which manifested into my hands caressing along her body. My lips move towards her neck as she grabs onto my suit coat.

I hear her heavy breathing in my ear. Every now and then she tries to pry my body off of her.


Slowly I pull on both of my pant legs to lower myself down into a kneeling position.

Then cupping my hands around one of her thighs I pull her closer to my face. Her eyes never leave as she surveys my every move. Even when I pull her thong from underneath her dress.

"Xander," she groans as I trace my bottom lip along the inside of her leg. "We can't do this here."

Ignoring her plea my lips make their way deeper. "You're just going to have to stay quiet then," I whisper, trailing softly feather like kisses along her sweet spot.

Ellie quickly covers her mouth with one hand, and clutching the desk in which we've made ourselves so comfortable on. I can hear soft whimpers escaping through her fingers, but slowly drowned out by the sound of the music further down booming.

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