Bad Timing

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If I had a nickel for every time a man has tried to seduce a woman without any strings attached I'd be a millionaire. You might think that me even thinking about losing my virginity so someone I don't love is insane, and trust me I'm right along with you but it's not just the fact that he wants to have sex with me that intrigues me. The little bit of intimacy that we shared in the doorway of the bathroom led me to believe there was more to that Christian Grey demeanor of his.

I mean let's face it the whole "I want you" or "I don't want you" thing is a bit cliche. There's always that one thing stopping us from being together. I've read every love story, and every poem, and heard every love song. Why can't there just be a man who is simply with a girl because he loves her.

Nope there's all the theatrics and other females causing a ripple between the two of them. Maybe Mr. Hale is not equipped to relationships because he's never really tried one. I proposed that over dinner we discuss what's really plaguing him to not pursue this.

But as a girl I'm just truly more anxious than anything.

Over the next few business days in the office there's an intense sexual tension between Mr. Hale and I. He will look at me, but his eyes never leave. It's like he's making me nervous without even trying to. I can't completely look away from him either though. He's captured my attention, and there's no one who can take me away from him.

I step away from my cubical to break the tension. This would give me a few minutes to copy and print a few documents that are needed for his meeting. There's a small white room which is where the copier, and printer sit next to a small coffee table. It's secluded and very much needed for the on going battle of thoughts spinning around in my head.

I bite the easer part of my pencil hearing the sound of the paper being pushed in and pushed out of the copier. Somewhere deep down inside of these thoughts I'm afraid of the answers I might get out of him. What happens if he's never had a relationship because he's just the one night stand type of guy? Or what happens if you're just running your damn mouth instead of jumping on his bones already! I snarl at my subconscious and her crude mouth. Face it you want to fuck him. You're just afraid you maybe attached to his dick more than his face.

I huff at the end of her tirade.

"Miss Donovan," his deep voice intrudes my thoughts startling me.

I place my hand on my chest trying to slow my heart rate down. "Mr. Hale," I say formally.

"You're looking marvelous in that skirt today," he states scanning my frail physique. I'm not big on the dresses and skirts at work wear, but today I decided that dressing up may not be the bad thing. I mean after all I am a commodity to the boss of this company. "I might not be able to keep my hands off you," his husky voice whispers in my ear.

I was unaware of the proximity of inches he was away from me. My breath hitches, but steady increases as I stand over the copier and printer machine.

I sink my teeth into my lower lip "I don't think I want you to," I softly answer.

His hands travel along my waist, and he's griping me more than groping. I can feel the heat of his breath on my neck. We can't do this here! It's a break room for goodness sake! But it feels so good. My hands sit on the copier holding myself up from fainting.

Before I know it his hands are traveling along the buttons of my shirt, but there's an oncoming chatter of a group of people drawing nearer. He quickly removes himself from the equation exiting the break room before the crowd comes in. "Ellie!" A chirper voice calls from the doorway.

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