Gentleman's Proposal

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Xander: Where are you? Thought we had lunch at 2?

Ellie: I'm sorry.
I got a bit caught up.

Xander: Is everything alright?

Ellie: I think we need to talk.

I didn't realize that one day, particularly this day that those words would be spoken. Never did it occur to me that I wouldn't be in a serious conversation to even hear those words.

Xander: Alright. Talk.

Ellie: Not through here. In person.

Xander: Where? And When?

Ellie: Tonight? My place?

Xander: I'll be there at 7 PM.

Ellie: Alright.

The most unusual part about this conversation is that of Ellie's distance. It felt as though she had a weight lifted upon her shoulders. Guilt maybe.

It could have been anything or nothing. The other night her mother didn't seem to settled on the fact that I didn't want marriage or children. For a moment I felt as she was going to scold me on how those two things were important. I had other plans though, and settling down was not one of them.

Either way she had been deep in thought after the whole conversation. Maybe she had her doubts in us and in that case I was prepared for anything. Even if that meant she was done with me and this relationship or whatever this was.

Throughout work I had been pressed on those fatal words. Repeating them over and over like a mantra.

We need to talk. We need to talk.
We need to talk. We need to talk.

The fact I wasn't even trusting with my own self proved I wasn't a fit enough man to love Ellie.

When deep in thought there's a knock at my door. "Come in," I look up from my laptop.

"Your three o'clock is here sir," Iris my new temporary secretary informs me.

For a moment I stare at her physical appearance. There was not much too her, shoulder length auburn hair and brown eyes covered by glasses that were much too big for her face. High cheek bones making her eyes look smaller, and covered with some sort of reddish make up to make her appear like she's blushing. She wore a white button up dress shirt that was tucked in her nicely pressed black skirt. I chose a woman in her early forties because a younger secretary would provoke my tendencies to swoon her. For once I was finally trying to settle down and stay planted to one female.

I realized when I hired Iris that I had no desire to be with anyone else although my eyes still wandered. I didn't give in to the temptation.

I guess I was finally giving in. 

Iris eye brows close inward. "Sir? Is everything alright?" She asks.

"Yes, thank you Iris," I nod. "Send them in please, and forward me copies of the documents from the latest software from Mr. Jarred's account."

Iris nods whispering yes sir before shutting the door.

I look over to the cubical where Ellie use to sit which is now where Iris sits. A piece of which brought me happiness now is out of my reach until I leave from work. The eagerness to come to work dampened because she is now looking for another job.

There's an anchoring feeling that this talk may not go as well as I hope it does. It must've been important for her to miss lunch over it.

Slowly seven at came in which I rushed over to Ellie's apartment. It couldn't have been a longer day.

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