Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"You're kidding me." He said faking shock.

"I wish I was. That's why Raiden was so easily destroyed." Kinthra replied.

"When we heard the information we decided we wanted to take a look at the ring and see what made it not work on Leona's magic. That's when we made the discovery. You know you can tell us anything Dracula, what are you planning? Anything special?" Tethemon added.

"Why would you think I was?"

"Dracula, do you take us for fools?" Medeus asked. "I know we haven't been around and in contact for a while but please, you must think we're smarter than that. You obviously know the difference between Hades' Quarts and Pluto's Sliver so why would you not only lie but mislead that poor girl? You know you could've ruined those kid's lives forever. Why would you do that to them?"

"I don't need to justify my actions."

"Oh, I'm afraid you do. You've given us enough probable cause to hold you on trial as well and we can easily remove you from the consul and leave you the same status as any other vampire just like the ones at your mansion and you won't have rule over them anymore." Ryuga replied. "So you'd better start talking."

"Alright." Dracula said with a smirk. "You caught me. I'll tell you my plan."

"So what is it?"

"World domination. Think of it brothers, we wouldn't have to hide from humans when we go into the world. I mean, look at this! Sure this serine location is nice but just to go out this far just to have a small picnic is ridiculous. So, I plan to let the supernaturals run the world and let them do whatever they please. Then humans will soon be the ones who stay in seclusion and hide and eventually humans will die out and then the supernaturals can have the run of the world."

"You know this plan of yours is ridiculous don't you? There are at least seven billion human beings in the world. Human beings that are very resourceful and have the means to destroy supernatural beings should they learn of them and if for some reason their weapons don't destroy us, they will find a way and then they will rebuild and prosper yet again." Tethemon said.

"I will find a way around all of that. I can envision it perfectly my brothers, and with you by my side there is nothing that could stop us. Let us not forget that the supernatural race is in the billions as well. I'm sure we can create an army that will put the humans' armies to shame."

"Dracula that is not how we work nor is it how we will ever work." Tethemon replied. "I'm afraid we'll have no choice but to stop your plans. Besides we know all about your plan. We were just hoping it was some ridiculous ploy or something."

"How did you find out?" Dracula asked shocked.

"We're members of the vampire consul. Did you forget how resourceful we can be when we want to be?"

"You didn't come to the mansion just to figure rekindle our friendship and check on Luna did you?"

"Well, you're half right. We did come to check on Luna, and we were kinda hoping that we could rekindle our friendship and talk you out of whatever you were planning but now that we know what you are planning we are honestly here to kill you."

"Kill me?" Dracula laughed. "I know your powers inside and out. You have no chance since I've developed so many abilities. My abilities are out of this world."

"All supernatural beings' abilities are out of this world. However, yours are illegal to be held by vampires." Tethemon replied. "But like you, we have new, powers that we can use against you and won't hesitate to do so."

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