Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

A smirk was plastered on Luna's face when Raiden stormed into the room for two reasons. One, because the revenge craving vampire wasn't too bright in reality by asking where a witch, that had no way of going anywhere since she was chained to a wall, was. Two, her friends had found her and soon Raiden was going to get his just deserts.

Luna honestly did feel bad about her friends coming for Raiden but only for one reason. Elizabeth, the poor human that fell in love with the wrong vampire. There was the possibility that Raiden was once an honest, loving, vampire back when Riku was alive but now Raiden was only hell bent on revenge. Elizabeth was a kind woman, one Luna actually respected although she had only talked to the woman once but she didn't want her to be killed over Raiden's actions.

It was fair for Luna to say that she cared for people and Elizabeth was no exception. Especially since she could want revenge against Devon for killing her son but she didn't.

Finally Raiden stormed into the room and his face was red with rage and that smirk that Luna had on her face turned into a full blown smile.

"What's the matter Raiden? Is a little witch giving you too much trouble after all? That's really sad, considering your stole my powers from me." Luna asked smugly. Although she still had her powers but Raiden didn't know that.

"I still don't believe that you took that pill, I should give you another one and watch as you swallow it. The only thing that's stopping me is making you take another pill would overdose you and if you die, I'll lose my bargaining chip with your vampire boyfriend."

"I keep telling you that Devon and I are not dating." Luna growled.

"Even if you're not he'll still come. I know he wouldn't want anyone to get hurt over a petty matter like this."

"It's obviously not petty if you went out of your way to kidnap me, have me brought to somewhere in Europe just to bring me here to Italy and chain me to a damn wall." Luna said.

"How do you know where you are?!" Raiden asked shocked.

"It didn't take me long. You don't have to worry about the details." Luna said and Raiden kicked her in her stomach again. "Okay, that's really getting old." She said.

"Then maybe you should stop being a wiseass."

"Impossible, that's just the kind of chick you kidnapped. You should feel lucky though, compared to my sister, I'm the tame one."

"Maybe I should just kill you. I can find some other way to get rid of Devon seeing I don't really need you anymore. He'll be on his way here soon enough once he figures out where you are exactly. I could drink you dry, I'm sure your blood is as delicious as it smells. I've really enjoyed spilling your blood lately and smelling the scent it has. More so than I thought I would."

"I think you're a psychotic bastard of a vampire that has no life." Luna said and Raiden kicked her again.

"That's it!" Raiden said and he charged over to where Luna was sitting.

Raiden drove his sharp fangs into Luna's neck causing the girl to cry out in pain for the first time and felt her blood being sucked out of her body and into the vampire's mouth and she could hear the suckling noise that was made and even the moans Raiden made as her blood graced his taste buds.

When Luna screamed the door to her room was opened and Elizabeth came in and saw Raiden's fangs deep in Luna's throat and her eyes widened when she looked at Luna's almost lifeless eyes. The girl barely had enough blood in her body already from the abuse she endured from Raiden's fury.

Secrets Of Ying Yang MansionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora