Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Leona was in her room reading through one of the spell books she had to practice spells so she could learn to control her powers. As Pryase walked in Leona was trying out a spell which accidently hit Pryase, turning him into a small fluffy grey kitten with huge green eyes.

"Oops, sorry sweetie. Well, now I know you make an adorable kitten." Leona said to Pryase with a small smile on her face.

Just then Missy started chasing Pryase around the room trying to play with him. Leona laughed as she went and saved Pryase from the playful puppy and set him down on her bed. She spoke the spell that would return Pryase to a vampire and with a small poof of smoke, Pryase was back to normal but he was naked in response and Leona couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, that was interesting. I've never been turned into a kitten before." Pryase said.

"I'm sorry about that sweetheart. I was just teaching myself some new spells." Leona laughed as Pryase went to his and Leona's closet to find a pair of boxers and sweatpants.

"It's okay. What other spells do you know how to use?" Pryase asked as he put his clothes on and Leona looked at the spell book she was reading before she accidently turned Pryase into the kitten.

"I can teleport, change my appearance, I can do glamour's, and a few other small things. But I have to talk to Devon in a minute because I got into contact with Luna." Leona said.

"Wait, what? When did you contact her?" He asked shocked.

"About an hour or so ago. She said that it took three days to get where she is now and the guy behind it is some guy named Raiden. He's trying to get revenge on Devon because he killed his son a few years back." She said, and a look of shock appeared on Pryase's face.

"I'll be right back I have to go talk to Devon." He said suddenly.

Before Leona could say anything Pryase was out the door and gone but Leona used her new telepathy powers to read his mind and eavesdrop on the him as Pryase finally found Devon in the Library speaking with Dracula.

"I don't mean to be rude but may I speak with the both of you?" Pryase asked them as he walked over.

Devon and Dracula turned to look at Pryase with curiosity on their faces.

"What is it, Pryase?" Dracula asked curious.

Pryase bowed slightly in respect to Dracula before he spoke.

"Leona talked to Luna around an hour ago, Devon. Raiden is the one that took her and he wants revenge on you for killing his son. He might kill her to just get to you." He said and Devon suddenly looked very scared.

"Raiden is the one behind this whole thing? We have to find her as soon as possible. He won't keep her alive to much longer and if he does it's not out of the kindness of his heart. He will use her body to satisfy himself and any other vampires that are there." Devon said and Dracula looked at both vampires seriously.

"You have to get her back. She is the only one that keeps Leona under control and if she can't control herself we are going to have to take things into our own hands." Dracula said.

Pryase was worried of Dracula's words, about the love of his life, so he couldn't help but ask what was on his mind.

"If Leona's powers can't be controlled what are we going to have to do?" Pryase asked.

Dracula looked at Pryase and knew how concerned he was for his mate and smiled slightly.

"It's not what we are going to do Pryase, but it's what you are going to have to do. There is one thing that is true though Luna and Leona's bond is much more stronger then Leigh-Anna and Lunara's was but there is a huge chance that the past will repeat itself. Keep an eye on Leona and help her as much as possible. If something happens to Luna it could push her over the edge and lose control."

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