Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The time had come. It was the weekend and after a tearful goodbye between Luna, Leona, Nitara, and Mike it was time to put the plan into action. Leona, Pryase, Demi, Devon, Luna, Brittani, and Robin all piled into the large van they used when they went somewhere in large groups. They drove to a large field where no one would hear the noises of battle should it come to that and far enough from where no innocent bystander would get dragged into the middle of the battle and killed.

They hid the van and walked to the field where they hid in the trees, and behind the large boulders that looked conveniently placed around the field. Those features were probably why the consul had picked that particular location since there would be plenty of cover to protect everyone from Dracula's powers he had. Devon hid Luna inside of a hunting box that was up in a pine tree and was abandoned due to the slowly rotting wood. Luckily there was enough support to hold her weight while Devon hid in the next tree with the help of his ghost ability. Leona and Pryase were hiding in a nearby log that was rather large and surrounded by vines that covered the opening of the log. Brittani and Robin hid nearby in the field somewhere, probably behind rocks in the forest or behind the trees while Demi and Kenya ran off and hid the moment they stepped out of the van.

"When is the vampire consul going to get here?" Leona asked Pryase with a whisper.

"Soon, now shh." Pryase said.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous."

"I know." He whispered and he heard leaves crinkling. "I think they're coming. Now remember, leave things between them until we get the signal."

"Okay." Leona added and the two became quiet as Dracula and the rest of the consul came over the hill.

"Brothers, please tell me why we came all the way out here." Dracula said and they all came down the field where Ryuga set out a blanket.

"We thought that you could get out of the mansion for a while. Have a place where we could have a picnic where we don't have to worry about humans finding us and us having to worry about them finding out about our existence. It's been so long since we had joined together as brothers and just relaxed like we did when we were younger." Rathmos replied. "In fact, it was Pryase and Devon who prepared the food for today."

"Well I hope they would. After all, you guys can't cook to save your lives." Dracula chuckled.

"Yes, and that has yet to change. Thank god for butlers." Ryuga replied. "If we didn't have our butlers, we would have to depend on human blood which is unappealing since we have to keep ourselves hidden to humans."

"Yes, luckily at the mansion there are enough people who know how to cook so everyone eats."

"Luna and Leona eat like queens as well because of their boyfriends. Those two witchlings know how to pick men."

"Shame they didn't pick humans though. I've been watching their friends and I think that Leona would've gotten along with that Mike kid. They would've been happy together."

"Yeah okay Dracula." Leona thought.

"So there isn't any other reason why you've brought me out here?"

"Well, we do want to ask you something." Medeus said.

"What's that?" Dracula asked as he helped Tethemon set up some of the food and he took a sandwich and started to eat it.

"Well you told us you gave Leona Pluto's Silver to withhold her powers when we had her on trial. Did you know that the ring was not made out of Pluto's Silver but Hades' Quarts?" Kinthra asked.

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