Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Leona sighed as she sat in their history class after realizing that her notebooks were still at their house and that Devon and Pryase forgot to grab them when they raided their home and got their things. Then again, Devon and Pryase probably didn't think to check the bookshelves for any notebooks that seemed important.

"Hey Luna, do you have any paper or a spare notebook on you?" Leona whispered.

"No, all my writing stuff is still at our house." Luna answered with a sigh.

"I think we're going to the house after school. There's no way I want to start over with everything."

"No way." Luna said defiantly. "I'd just rather buy some more pens, paper, and notebooks and start over from scratch. I never want to go back to that Goddess forsaken place."

"Don't you want to see what happened to Mom? You said you heard her scream when she attacked us right?"

"I assume she just screamed at seeing Devon since he's a vampire. You know that Mom thought that we were insane because we believed in the supernatural."

"That's true I suppose although I'm surprised she hasn't reported us missing or runaways yet."

"I'm not. She doesn't give a damn about us. We're just slave and regrets to her."

"She does about you when she's sober."

"Which is never." Luna sighed.

"Leona and Luna, I hope that you're discussing the lesson." The teacher scolded.

"Of course ma'am." The two replied in unison looking at the teacher in the eyes.

"Good, now no more chit chat from you two got it or you'll be staying for detention. Now where was I?" The teacher replied and she continued on with the lesson.

The two girls sighed again and looked at each other before Luna started biting her pen and Leona chewed on her fingers in order to pass the time as they continued to ignore the lesson about the Holocaust and Adolf Hitler which disgusted the two girls.

Finally lunch time came and when it did Luna snuck into the library and stole some paper and two pens from behind the main desk and since she volunteered in the library during her study hall periods the librarian didn't really care about her taking it. When Luna finally returned to the cafeteria with the stack of paper and the pens she gathered she saw that Leona and the others were sitting at the group table and the three were already having a conversation before she headed over to join them.

When Luna finally got to the table and she sat down next to Nitara she split the pile of paper in half and gave one half of the pile to Leona as well as the pink colored pen since she loved writing in bright colored ink while Luna sat down with the other half of the pile and she had a normal black inked ballpoint pen.

"I never thought I'd be so glad to see paper." Leona said, causing Luna to laugh as she opened the pen and started to write automatically.

"I don't know how you manage to do that." Nitara chuckled amused.

"Do what?" Luna asked confused.

"I don't get how you can sit through school all day, never listen to the teachers during the lectures, barely do your homework and still manage to pass everything with at least a B." Nitara said.

"Heh, we're just good." Leona smirked.

"Yeah right, admit it you buy off the teachers." Mike added.

"We do no such thing. It's our tests that help us out. We do the tests, essays, and major projects the rest of it can kiss our asses." Luna replied.

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