Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Once they got back to the mansion Leona was put under surveillance since everyone knew that she wanted to take off after Raiden. Leona was in her and Pryase's room stomping around in anger since no one would let her out of their sight. Pryase did his best to calm the witching down but was failing horribly.

"Leona, calm down. We just don't want you to take off and end up in the same situation as your sister." Pryase said as he tried to plead with her.

"I want revenge on that bastard! He put Luna in critical condition, Pryase. Hell she's in the ICU for god sakes and the doctors aren't even sure that she'll make it through the night."

"I know you do and you will, but right now we should focus on Luna until we know she's okay. Then we'll worry about Raiden." Pryase said as Leona looked out the sliding glass doors that led out to the balcony.

"I know she will be okay. She's strong, stronger then she even knows, but I will end Raiden for what he has done to my sister. If she dies, I'll be alone, she is the last of my family but she more than that, she's my best friend." Leona said.

Pryase walked over to her and pulled her into his arms.

"I understand. She will pull through and you will get your revenge on him but first let's make sure that Luna does pull though, okay?" Leona put her arms around his neck and buried her face into his strong muscular chest.

"Okay." Leona murmured against his chest.

Pryase leaned down and kissed the top of her head before pulling away slightly so that he could see her face. Leona had tears in her eyes but she smiled slightly up at Pryase which caused him to smile back.

"I'm going to get you something to eat and don't argue with me because you need to eat. I'll be right back, just lie down and relax." Pryase said sweetly but firmly and then he kissed her lips quickly before he disappeared.

Leona went over to her book shelf and pulled her spell book from the top shelf. She flipped through the pages until she came to a spell to temporarily paralyze your enemy. As she memorized it Devon came into Leona's room without even knocking. The noise caused Leona to turn around in shock but calmed down when she saw the vampire.

"Devon, what's the matter?" Leona asked and Devon closed and locked the door behind him in a hurry.

"Leona, I know you want to get your hands on Raiden as much as I do." Devon said seriously and Leona raised her eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, I do, what are you getting at?" Leona asked and Devon smirked devilishly.

"You know how to teleport, which is the quickest way to travel." Leona folded her arms and smirked.

"So, you want me to teleport us to where Luna was."

"Exactly." Devon said simply.

"When Pryase finds out he's going to kill me." Leona mumbled as she flipped through the spell book that was in her left hand before she finally settled on a page. "Devon come stand beside me."

Devon did as he was told and that's when Leona began the spell. Leona's eyes began to glow with the white light as she spoke the spell.

Magic powers flowing through my veins

Protect us and guide us along the way

Bring us to where my sister was held captive

Guide us and guard us from everything seen and unseen

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